
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Step 3 Assign 10 Cutting it in Half

Step 3 Assignment 10 Cutting it in half

I do not order out very often, but yesterday I found myself in a very crazy busy day running in many directions. I started with a fabulous breakfast and then the day started to roll in motion before I knew it, it was 430 and I had not had a chance to eat one more thing! I was at my new office and the smell of the food coming from the kitchen of the next door restaurant was calling my name.

We had planned on taking the kids to a several haunted trails at 530 so I really had no time to cook as my day had not ended because I was still running around! I sent my daughter next door to order a fast to go dinner for the whole family. Now that was the tricky I order a cheeseburger which is exactly what my stomach said "yes with a side of onion rings!!!" or do I order something that I know is better for me? In a split second I decided that the points were not worth using on grease, but now what to order, many of the choices are also full of empty calories.

At that point I decided to take my next favorite choice, a quesadilla and share it with my daughter, accompanied by a side salad. Normally I would have had the cheeseburger and onion rings which would score me 30 points!! Cutting the quesadilla in half and adding a salad kept me at a cool 14 points! I did not feel deprived at all I was very satisfied with the portion and as a matter of fact I am not really sure how I used to eat a whole one in one sitting before!

Next time you order out, don't completely deprive yourself, allow yourself a little wiggle room but at the same time make a smart choice. For instance, add a side salad and share an entree with someone, or ask for a to go box at the beginning of the meal and place half of it in it before you even start eating, this will help you with your portion control. Most entree's are acceptable on the menu if you eat the them in moderation!!


  1. Great advice, restaurant eating is one of my biggest challenges. But I too have found that you can say to the server no I don't want a side of fries, I'll take a side salad or an extra portion of vegetables. At my last meal out I had ordered ice water as my beverage and when I ordered my meal the server told me a beverage was included in the meals price, I told her that I still only wanted ice water. BTW, please don't offer me sweets anybody, I love them and it's hard for me to say no to you because I am a people pleaser.

  2. Oh you are so right Diana, why do they persist on force feeding us! And yes we are people pleasers, lol! I have to say I sometimes ask for the side salad, but it pisses me off that that I pass on the french fries and then they still charge me an extra 4 bucks for lettuce!!lol!
