
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 11 Lower Body Stretches

Lower Body Stretches Step 2 Assignment 11

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 7:36pm
Lower body stretches

Lower body stretches are very important when you are performing cardio like we are. Most cardio involves using the lower body with great intensity, so these muscles must be stretched out at the end of the workout so they are in top condition for the next workout. Here are a few lower body stretches that you can do after your are finished, remember: never stretch until it hurts, stretching should feel good and hold each pose for 20-30 seconds and don't bounce, just hold the stretch static.


If you are not doing your 10 min of cardio.....then DO IT!! It is very good for you, and you deserve to have a healthy body, and if you are doing it then be sure to do these stretches after:)

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