
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 6 Loving your body Unconditionally

Loving Your Body Unconditionally Step 2 Assignment 6

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 5:38am
Loving your body unconditionally
Some of us are at a stage in this journey where we completely hate our appearance and some are already at a place where we are stepping into an unfamiliar place of acceptance. I have been on both ends of the pendulum and once again I find myself swinging toward the nonacceptance side. The first thing to remember is, you will never be where you are right here right now, this is your starting point in your journey and in order to really appreciate where you finish,  you must first really take notice of where you started.

This journey is different for many, the feelings you will hold about your appearance can be very confusing. For example, last time I lost my weight, I would instinctively go to the higher sizes and bring them to the dressing room try to put them on and they would just fall off, that should've been a great feeling right? It was to a degree, the problem was I never saw myself, never truly saw where I was at that point, I spent all my time thinking that I was still 300 pounds, or daydreaming about what I would look like at my goal weight. Never once did I take a moment to see where I was at that moment, I spent every day looking ahead or behind me, not once did I ever look "at" where I was at that moment.

It is wonderful to have dreams and goals, but if they are not put into motion in the present moment we will never reach them. Being present and accepting where you are at this moment is the a major component to success, the other is self love. We model how people should treat us, so we must first show ourselves love, so others will do the same.

This is one of the HARDEST things I will ever ask you to do! Pick a time when you are all alone and I want you to close the blinds and curtains so your neighbors can't see... and strip down! Yes! That is what I said! I want you to be totally accepting of your physical body, march yourself through the house stark raving naked! At first this will be kind of hard, you will want to hide behind the couch, but after a few times of doing this you will notice that you are walking a little taller with your head up high. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, a long accepting look, and yes we all have flaws, but love them and know that they are "yours to love".

I will say that I usually put on one of my pretty Lane Bryant bra's and panties and "strut my stuff!" I feel pretty when I wear them and it's not quite so shocking when my teenagers come out of their bedrooms and see mom doing the dishes at 6 am in the buff! lol!  I am determined to get it right this time no matter what it takes, self love and acceptance were two major components I missed last time, so they are top priority this time. Have a great day ladies! xoxoxoxoxo
My pretty "little" bra from Lane Bryant. Indulge and buy yourself some underclothes that just make you feel pretty when doing your assignment, or just go naked, whatever works for you!!

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