
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 2 No Excuses!!

No excuses!!!! Step 2 Assignment 2

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 1:14pm
I am not the type of person to go around talking about my worries and bring everyone else into my drama, so I haven't mentioned anything about what has been going on in my life over the last week. But I have learned a good lesson so I must share.

Apparently, when I get stressed I tend to eat...this week has been a very stressful week. My step dad has been in afib (irregular heart rate) for a while now. This week we were notified that he would undergo a procedure where they would shock his heart in an attempt to get it into the right rhythm, if is successful he would not have to have a pacemaker. I always try to be there when family calls for help and support, so I cleared my schedule which meant I would put 4 days of massages into 2. Exhausted and worried I went through my week with every opportunity to fall flat on my ass with dieting. I had little time for meal preparation with working long hours and several trips to the hospital, but I made the time. It meant getting up a little earlier and stopping at a subway instead of a drive thru but I made it through the week with a loss, oh yes it was a PMS week too!

It just goes to show you that when you focus on what is at hand and make yourself a priority, regardless of what is going on in your life you will prevail. Normally a week such as this would have been the demise of my dieting, I would have stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way and ate a whole box of munchkins on the way home, but I didn't this time I dealt with the stress instead and am very happy to report that Rick's procedure was completely successful and he is going to be just fine:) Thanks you God!!

Now on the other side of the coin, say I had made different choices and I had a gained 2 pounds this week, that would also been the demise of my new found way of living. I would have literally given up because of two pounds, I know myself and know that, a two pound gain would have been followed by 10 more in the next month! So i guess what I am trying to say is when we fall, we can't get discouraged because that 2-3 pounds can be taken right off, that is not our real problem. The real problem we have is what we decide to do at that point, do we throw in the towel and say screw it? Hell no! We start fresh, with not making excuses for our behavior (unless it is PMS week that is) and we follow that up with forgiveness. We need to forgive ourselves and move on!

Next time you are faced with obstacles if you fall just pick yourself up and dust yourself off, you will be a huge step ahead of the game, forgiveness is hard but it is so liberating!!

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