
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 14 Throw it out!!

Throw it out!! Step 1 Assignment 14

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 4:14pm
Throw it out!!

This week has been very busy for me, so it is reminding me of how important it is to keep focused when life gets in the way. I have had to clear 2 full days in my schedule so I have spent a lot of time working long hours and running around to do this. So the first thing I noticed is I am eating in the vehicle, which can be a recipe for disaster for anyone who is trying to be "good". I have packed and prepared my meals so the choices have been in line with my plan, except last night...

I was riding home after massaging all day, I did not have time to eat a full meal, only healthy nibbles between appointments so naturally I was starving! I stopped at Hannaford in Bar Harbor cause I knew that I would be better off to eat something on the ride home, because it would have a whole hour to digest as I planned to head straight for bed when I arrived. So I grabbed a few crunchy chicken tenders (I know not the best choice but I needed protein after burning all those calories). I ate one of them and was fully satisfied, but because they were sitting beside me and I was bored,  I started on the second one, I quickly realized what I was doing so I put it back in the bag and put it in the back seat. Unfortunately it was not out of reach, so about 15 min later I grabbed the bag and went after it once again! Finally as the chicken touched my lips I flung open the window and threw it out! If I can't be trusted then I figured I best get rid of it, for now anyway. Next time I will travel with my food in the trunk!


If you are driving or are in a place where you just can't resist the temptation, take the temptation away, throw it out, put it in the trunk, whatever you have to do to keep it away from you, out of sight out of mind. And if you see me on the side of the road in my trunk, stop and tell me that I really don't need what I am after.

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