
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pros and Cons of Weight Watchers (5 days in the program)

Pros and Cons of Weight Watchers (5 days in the program)

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:16pm
I am only 5 days into the Weight Watchers program and this is my official report, keep in mind I signed up for the online version.

I love love that almost all your fruits and veggies are free foods! they have zero points, this way you instinctively go grab them over another snack cause they are free. If you are going to spend your points then you don't want to spend them on veggies!! So I find myself snacking on veggies and fruit cause it is free and then by the times it would be time for something that requires points I have lost the craving.

I really enjoy the points tracker online. The feature is very easy to use and keeps my right in line with where I should be for the day.

I love having no foods that are off limits! Every food is on the list you just have to count it, Even RUM!!

I don not like the app download for the phone. I have been using the fitness pal which is AMAZING!! They also have the fitness pal online that synchronizes with your phone app. The technology is out there Weight Watchers really need to invest in upgrading this area because they are way behind the times. I think there would be more success for their online users if they added a better app for their phone. I talked with a rep that said that the failure rate was quite high with the online feature compared to the actual meetings.

That's all I have to report for now, we will see what the scale says on Thursday!!

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