
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Step 1 Assignment 1 Let's get started!!

I am not the type of person who picks up the latest and greatest weight loss book and reads it cover to cover then starts the plan. I have always been the type that skips over the self help chapter and gets right to the diet in the back of the book. A perfect example is when the Dr. Phil Show called me and interviewed me to be a guest on his show!

You see, the first time I lost weight it was sparked by his self help novel “The Ultimate Weight Solution”. Out of his “7” keys to Weight loss Success, I got to the 4th one and decided I would just skip the other 3 and go straight to the diet portion of the book..Hence the regaining of ALL my WEIGHT! Hello, if you only needed 4 Keys then he would have only given you 4 damn keys! At any rate I didn’t finish the book so when they called and wanted to do a  phone interview with me I did great, until they started asking about key 5, 6 or 7! So I failed miserably and didn’t get to meet the big guy!

So on that note ”let’s get real” about the self help part of the journey. It is the most important piece and it isn’t something you can conquer in the beginning and move forward.  It is something  you will work toward every day until the “work”  just falls away and it is effortless to make the right choices because you now have a new found love and respect for yourself.

This week’s assignment is to bring awareness into your lives, through our mind and physical body.
Mind (mindful eating)
1.    Become aware of why you eat

2.    What feelings are you feeling when you dive into the fridge or pantry?  put a piece of paper on the fridge or the pantry door and every time you open it to reach for food write the feeling you are experiencing at that moment, Happiness, Sadness, Pissed off, Boredom, Anger, Frustration or even depression.

3.    Or some people eat to avoid doing the things they most are dreading like housework, paperwork…that is classic for me! I HATE paperwork so when I am doing it I spend more time wandering around the kitchen and in the pantry then I do in front of the paperwork. If I would just do the damn paperwork and stay away from the food I would have it finished in half the time!

Physical Body
1.    Become aware of where you are right now, go get a scale…I just bought one in preparation of this journey, I am sure that this is probably the 75th scale I have owned in my 37 years on this planet.  I always start so gung ho, and weigh myself… I don’t know like…3-4 times a day! Hello, your weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds on any given day! This is not good for a person who is really trying to lose weight, it just depresses them! On the other hand you have to know where you starting cause there is no way to track your progress and hell, we need to give ourselves a pat on the back when we deserve it! So weigh yourself and put the damn thing in the closet and don’t take it out for a couple of weeks, don’t throw it away, like I always do just put it aside for now.

2.    Portion Control, we all need to be aware of what it is we are doing when we fill up our plate. Anyone can follow a diet and when they say “x amount” of servings of this per day, do we really follow the “x amount”? The serving size has increased by 50-75% over the years so much so we really have no idea how much a serving is. Many people can lose a significant amount of weight just by cutting back to the recommended serving size. So I went out and bought a food scale, it is like 10 bucks I think, and yes I have had many of these items and threw them out as well, that is why I never invest in the expensive! This tool you will not need forever, but it is a good refresher to remind us how much we really should be eating. After a few weeks it is second nature to know who much we “should” be eating.  It is just a personal choice if we decide to overdo it

This week’s assignment for myself is be aware, live in the moment and really understand why I am eating and if it is emotional then deal with the feelings or if it is avoidance then just do whatever it is I am desperately trying to avoid!! I will weigh myself to get a base of where I am starting…Holy hell that ought to be fun!!  And weigh my food to get an idea of portion sizing once again. This didn’t happen overnight and  it’s not going to come off overnight so I am ready to take the baby steps that I need to make it happen! I would love feedback from you all:)

(I was told by my postmaster that the slanted writing in my last note was making her dizzy so I thought I would “correct” the font for her in this one, cause I know how much she is amused by my antics and would miss out if she didn’t get a chance to read this. Is this better Teresa? lol!! )

Classic "mindless" eating! I was searching for the salad dressing and found myself in a container of raisins!
Sept 8-11

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