
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 5 Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals Step 2 Assignment 5

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, September 26, 2011 at 6:30am
Vitamins and Minerals     Step 2 Assignment    5

Now that we are cutting back on our calories there is one concern I have, nutrients. Anytime you have a deficit in calories which you have to do in order to lose weight, you automatically have a decrease in vitamins and nutrients that enter your body. Our bodies require a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy body and without these we put ourselves at risk for sickness and disease.

When your body is not on it’s “A” game, it’s defenses are down and your immune system is not working properly.  I realize some of you are eating way more healthy then you were when you started, so in essence you are probably even healthier, but for those of you who naturally eat healthy and are concentrating on cutting back your portions, you too are still at risk for a lack of nutrients in your diet.  For instance the body can get all of its daily required vitamins from food , that is the way nature intended it, but with the soil being used and reused It has lost its nutritional value which decreases the amount of vitamins and minerals each fruit and veggie processes. So if you are dieting, or not dieting, you still need a good multivitamin as it is practically impossible to get all your vitamins and minerals through your daily diet.

The next question is which vitamin is better a liquid or capsule? There are proven facts that liquids absorb into the system faster, but in my opinion either is fine as long as you are taking one of them.  I have read many different studies, some claim it is more beneficial some say it is not, personally if you are taking any, you are already one step ahead in my opinion. And any extra step we take toward a healthy lifestyle is a good step.

Go out and buy yourself a multivitamin, if you already have one then great, go buy a bottle for someone you love and tell them the importance of taking one a day!

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