
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 4 Sabotage!!

Sabotage! Step 2 Assignment 4

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 10:41am
Sabotage!!   Step 2 Assignment 4

Your whole family should be getting used to the changes you have made in the diet, and now that we are trying to make exercise a daily habit, things are bound to pop up and get in your the people you live with. I recently took a walk with a good friend of mine. She has also decided to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle, new way of eating and adding in the exercise has made her feel great, with the exception of the "man" of the house that is. When she asks him to walk with her, he simply replies no every time. Keep in mind he needs this wayyyy more than she does, so she has become very irritated with him, and has told him if he doesn't work out with her then he is "cut off"...yes ladies...that means sex! This may be a decision that saves his life cause I am sure he will start walking with her!! lol!

My point is, there are people in our lives that we count on to support and help us when we make major change,  we believe we need their support to be successful. So if they won't exercise with us, or support our new lifestyle change, then we will be more apt to throw in the towel.

I am here to tell you probably one of the most important things I will ever tell you... you don't need them! These changes are for you, and whatever you do, your family will follow suit. Trust me on this, when they see how good you feel and all the positive changes in you then they will want a piece of it, it is infectious! If we push them they will never do what we want, they will go in the opposite direction, just like a teenager. And does it really matter because you are doing this for you, how often do you put yourself before everyone else?

I am a parent and know that the best thing I can do for my children is model the type of behavior that I want for them, because just talking it will never work. (especially during the teenage years cause they really don't want to listen to me breathe let along talk!!)So if I love and respect myself enough to make changes toward my health, then they will grow up in life loving and respecting themselves.

So the next time your work out buddy/family member says, no I can't go today or no I really don't feel like it today, don't let them sabotage your progress, put on your shoes and you go anyway. All while you are working out I want you to remember that you made a conscious choice to put yourself first, why? Because you DESERVE it!!

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