
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assign 5 Internal Dialogue

Internal Dialogue Step 3 Assignment 5

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 7:12am
Internal Dialogue Step 3 Assignment 5

Can you even imagine what your feet would feel like if they were supporting 300 pounds? How much they must hurt as you are pounding them down the pavement when exercising. Well I am here to tell you that it hurts just as much as you can imagine and there is only one way to make yourself continue. Internal Dialogue, these are the words that run through our head. If I kept thinking about how much my feet hurt and how much they were screaming at me to stop then I would just turn around, but as fast as those thoughts seep in, I replace them with positive ones. "Keep going, your feet are perfect! You are in a healthy woman, who has a healthy body! You can do it, why? cause you love yourself and you deserve it!"

The first half mile of the walk I must say all the negative thoughts are surrounding me so when I take notice of them and replace them with my positive ones, the pain goes away within just a few min. Today I caught myself at a slow jog...yes I couldn't believe it myself, I actually starting laughing! After the first few min I completely shifted my though process and moved into a pain free zone.


Have you ever met someone who has told a lie so much that they actually believe it! They have talked themselves into really thinking that it is true...I am going to ask you to do the same. Whether it is with exercise or eating better, whatever is your hard area, when those negative thoughts creep in replace them with positive ones and eventually you will trust they are true.... so they will be!

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