
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assig 7 What really happens when you Strength Train

What really happens when you Strength Train Step 3 Assignment 7

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 6:37am
What really happens when you Strength Train...   Step 3 Assignment 7

We know that when we gain muscle it helps protect us from loss in bone density, which is important to help prevent osteoporosis. We also have learned that by gaining muscle we can speed up our metabolism and burn more calories. But how does this all "work".

When you do weight bearing exercise (strength training) on the day of the action you are creating little tares in the muscle... yes...tares. Now that sounds scary right? Well that is the only way the muscle can naturally grow stronger, is to perform weight bearing exercise and be used to it's capacity. When these tares occur it sends a message to the muscle to grow stronger, which is why it is important for bone density protection, the muscle tissues grow stronger holding them onto the bones in a much more forceful way hence protecting it from loss.

The two most important things you can do for your muscles: give them a day of rest in between strength training and stretch after each workout. After the workout day the muscle needs 24 hours to "heal" ,during this period is when it actually gains it's strength. Stretching is also a major component, stretching the muscle after you have worked it allows for more flexibility to occur helping the joints to move more freely as well as allowing the muscle to perform at it's peak during your next workout.


This is a very simple exercise for your lower body, squats, you can do them when you are watching tv. This will work your glutes, quads and hamstrings. These are some of the largest muscle groups in the body, working them out will also protect your back:)

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