
Monday, October 24, 2011

Step 1 Assign 4 Does Size Really Matter?

Does Size Really Matter?
Now that I am making myself aware of my portion size I am noticing a few things.  The first thing being that my portion size is way more than it should be. I have been dishing out the size I would normally eat then weighing and measuring out the “real” portion size. To my surprise it is WAY off, I thought I was pretty good at my portions but I am finding out that I have been overeating with everything my lips touch. The second thing I have found is I am surprisingly satisfied with eating the correct portion size.

I have always been the type of person who went for the food choice that offers a larger portion. I like food and have always enjoyed the act of eating, but I never realized that a “normal” portion size could be so satisfying. When you dive into a bag of chips and eat directly from the bag this is continual mindless eating. You are not aware of how much you are eating and at that same time you don’t take the time to enjoy what you are eating. Before you know it you have eaten 3 servings without even realizing it. Now, if you dish out the proper amount and only eat that, then you will more than likely be satisfied and the temptation to over eat is eliminated because you are eating from the plate and not the bag.

Assignment 4
Only eat directly from your plate, dish out the correct serving of whatever you are eating, I don’t care if it is cheesecake, (cause remember we are not dieting yet) eat it on the plate, not from the bag, box, or pan your are cooking it in. Measure out the proper serving size and eat it from your plate and I assure you more often than not you will be totally satisfied when you are finished. Have a great day all!!!
Sept 11-11

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