
Monday, October 24, 2011

Step 1 Assign 2 Your Appearance

Step 1
 Your appearance

Now that we are weighing our food, (By the way, NO DIETING YET! Just weigh your food and be conscious about what goes in your mouth and see what type of decisions you make when you are being mindful. Dieting will come later)
Now that we are making ourselves more aware of our surroundings and feelings let’s look at our appearance, yes let’s get a little vain here! We spend so much time putting ourselves down all while overlooking all the wonderful things that are sitting right on the surface. Now I am not talking about how thoughtful or caring you are, or maybe you have a bright sunny disposition, that is all fine and great but what I am really talking about it your appearance! All of us who have struggled with our weight have feelings of shame,  guilt and embarrassment because we have allowed ourselves wear our problems for the whole world to see. I am here to tell you, there are people out there that have a lot of worse habits that they hide, let’s just thank god we are not one of those people.

Assignment 2
Look straight in the mirror and figure out what you love about your appearance. I know this is not something you are accustomed  to doing, but just do it. Let down all the walls of judgment and criticism and find the thing you like most about your appearance and when you find that thing, keep looking because you will find a whole list of great things you possess. And don’t worry,  you will not become a conceited person in one day! The truth is the world only sees you how you see yourself. If you see a fat blob that can’t get out of her way, that is what you are telling the world to see, but if you have the attitude that you are a voluptuous, confident woman who can take on the world that is exactly how the world will see you!
I really like my hair! I may bitch and moan about it when it is humid but the reality is I have no maintenance hair, I just wash and go. Now that I got the ball rolling…. Please post what you like most about YOU!!
“Others will see you in the same light you see yourself” Nikki Look

My favorite thing about my appearance is my hair:) Rarely do I have a bad hair day!
Sept 9-11

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