
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 13 Don't Deprive Yourself

Don't Deprive Yourself Step 2 Assignment 13

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 7:21am
Don't Deprive Yourself    Step 2 Assignment 13

All too many times we are craving something or really desire something to eat that is not on our plan.
First thing you have to remember, you are human! Second, you are in this for the long haul. Third, your decision to eat 1 piece of brithday cake is not going to make a hill of beans difference 1 year down the road....or is it?

I think it will. The logical thing to do is allow yourself a piece and enjoy it, eat until you are satisfied and if you listen to your mind and body, usually we are satisfied with a very small portion. But no, most of us will deprive ourselves and not allow us to have it...over and over again, until that one day when we allow it and spark our downward spiral. "I can't believe I just did that! I have worked so hard up until this point, now I have frigged it all up!!! I am so mad at myself. Frig it! I have failed! On the way home from the party you pick up a bag of oreo's and a gallon of milk and REALLY ruin everything. Why? All because we did not allow ourselves to just be human.

Another scenario, how about when we are grazing the pantry and what we really want is the chocolate chip cookie that is making your mouth water just looking at it. So instead of eating one cookie and enjoying it, we eat fig newtons, still not satisfied we eat a little pop corn, still not satisfied we have a yogurt, still not satisfied you eat a little frozen yogurt! By the times you are finished you have consumed 1000 unnecessary calories, if you had just eaten the damn cookie you would be satisfied and 800 calories ahead of the game!


Next time you want something, just eat it! Here is the hard part, NO GUILT! If it is that important, then just eat it, if you don't then you will feel deprived and that is a recipe for disaster!

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