
Friday, October 28, 2011

Step 3 Assign 9 Your Core

Step 3 Assignment 9 Your Core

People do not realize the importance of the core muscles...these are your stomach muscles. These muscles are so important because they protect your whole body. Yes when they are strong your back is protected, your legs are protected, in a sense your whole body is protected. When people come to me with lower back pain in my practice the first thing I do is give them stretches and directions for strengthening their core.

Your core is like a trees trunk, picture a tree on a windy day, the roots are in the ground and the tree top is flapping around in the breeze without a strong trunk it would just tumble to the ground. We are exactly the same way, that is why when our core is not strong others areas of the body are compromised and can cause injury to low back and legs, ect. So do yourself a favor and work out your core 2-3 times a week, it's like taking out an extra insurance policy on your body:)

I will post some good exercises for this tomorrow.

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