
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 2 Assign 1 I like to Move it Move it!!

I like to move it, move it!! Step 2 Assignment 1

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 6:14am
I like to move it, move it!!  Step 2 Assignment 1

Studies show that it takes an average of 3 weeks of repetitious behavior to make something become a habit. I realize that we are only beginning week 3 but I think we are ready to move on because we don't want to run the risk of getting too comfortable right where we are at.

We have spent the last two weeks learning why, when and how much we eat. We have also been working on our calorie intake. Now it is time to jump start that metabolism with a little exercise. The biggest reason why people fail fitness programs is because they start out doing activities that are too strenuous with long time commitments.

Let's face it people we are all very busy, but not too busy that we can't fit in 10 minutes. Yes just 10 minutes a day can really make a difference in your life and your waist size. When you work out you release endorphins, which is like a drug to the body...a good drug though! They make you crave more exercise and when you are exercising you are more likely to make better food choices because you don't want to ruin all that you have accomplished.


10 min of cardio 5 days a week for the next week. When I say cardio I mean aerobic activity type of exercise, walking, running, swimming, aerobics anything that makes your heart pump. I will talk more later this week about what type of intensity you should be doing but for now just commit to yourself that you will do 10 min, 5 days a week.

For some this may be easier in the morning and some in the evening, it makes no difference when you do it as long as you get it done. For me I am better to do it first thing in the AM,  some days it means getting up that much earlier, which sucks... but if I don't then I will never fit it in later. What we want to do is make it part of your routine so there are no excuses, it is just like brushing your teeth:)

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