
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 12 Healing your Body

Healing Your Body Step 2 Assignment 12

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:03pm
Healing your Body Step 2 Assignment 12

Just a couple of months ago I was sitting in the Dr. office as he spoke words that I will never forget. This conversation prompted me to devote the next 365 days to healing my body and starting this Facebook page. I had been suffering from uncontrollable heartburn and after putting a scope down my throat he said that I had a hiatal hernia that he refused to repair because of my weight.

He gave me two choices, either be on medication every day for the rest of my life or have gastric bypass, this would be the only way that he could control the reflux, because of my weight I would just blow out the hernia if he tried to repair it.  At that moment I felt so defeated, how had I allowed myself to get here? It took me a minute to let it all sink in but as it did, I immediately made my decision. I told him that I would be back in 6 months for a check up and I would NOT need surgery and I would NOT need medication.

When I went to see him I was taking 2000 mg a day of reflux medicine, this is 1500 more than was prescribed to me! Two months later I am taking nothing, I haven't had to take any medicine in 5 days! Due to my diet changes and the fact that my "muffin top" is decreasing, the hernia is not bothering me!

What I want to stress here is we all have the ability to heal our bodies, it is whether we choose to take the steps to do so. I urge you to not let your health issues get out of control, go to the Dr. and get a baseline of where you are at, so you know what changes need to be made. If we ignore our bodies they will talk to us louder and louder until we are forced to listen.

Go get a check up and get a baseline of where you are. If you already know then start to make the changes you need that will bring you toward a healthy you. Remember one step at a time is the way to ever lasting success, don't try to do it all at once. Love your body it is the only one you got!!

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