
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 13 No Special Meals

No special meals Step 1 Assignment 13

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 6:59am
 No special meals   Step 1 Assignment 13

Every other time I have dieted I have decided to buy all these foreign “Healthy” foods. I have even gone to great lengths and made special meals for me and my family will eat something completely different, so that is two meals in one night! Not only does this create more dishes and take up more time, it is very tempting to grab a chicken nugget when you are suppose to be eating asparagus!

I made a decision this time that I was going to eat like a normal person, no special meals, no outrageous menus that are practactly impossible to keep. All this does it set ourselves up for failure because it is so hard to keep track and so easy to just give in. So I eat exactly what everyone else eats and they eat exactly what I am eating. Now I did make a few adjustments, like instead of Tyson chicken nuggets, I make my own with Frenchs Fried Onions and white chicken breast. And instead of French fries I make baked potato, but if we want French fries, then by god we will have them. I plan ahead and know that we are going to be eating them that night so I will chose to go light on another area in my diet that day to allow for the indulgence, and most importantly eat the recommended serving size!

Don’t punish you or your family, this is not a death sentence it is a new refreshing way to live to without restrictions.  If you have that type of additude then you will be successful for a lifetime instead of a short period of time.

Stop punishing your family cause you are on a diet, this is a whole lifestyle change for both you and your family. Make room for adventure on the table just don’t do it every day because your “support system” will quickly fade if they are not happy. No special meals, eat what they eat and they eat what you eat:)

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