
Monday, October 24, 2011

How to properly Weigh Yourself

Ok like I said before, people put too much emphasis on how much they weigh and some are borderline obsessive compulsive about weighing themselves every day or even multiple times a day! I am a classic example of that, as I said in my previous note I have owned probably 75 sets of scales in my 37 years on this planet!

Every time I buy a set I chain myself to them and get pissed off when the scale says something different at the end of the day then it did at 5 am. Hello!! I am educated on this and know that the body can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in one day, but I still do it and get pissed off and throw the scales out..and I mean throw them out! I have scaled them down the stairs, out the window and once even in my pool.

Now on the other hand, there is something to be said about holding yourself accountable, if you weigh yourself once a week or every couple weeks it can keep you on track before you begin to slip. Trust me I know from experience.

How to properly weigh yourself

Step 1
Take off every stitch of clothes! You don't need any type of excuse next week like, my pants were really heavy, or I had my shoes on, just shed them and be done with the excuses.

Step 2
Weigh yourself in the morning before food or drinking if possible, this leaves you with a more consistent reading.

Step 3
Weigh yourself and then put the scales in the cellar or at a friends house if you have to. If you keep them at easy access then you will be jumping on them all the time and this only spells disaster in the long run. Disaster meaning...if you are like me you will be at Walmart buying another set next week!

Do not weigh yourself any more than once per week..and do this at the same time of day and on the same day every week...naked that is! (I would make an exception if you have to use a public scale like the dr. office;))

I wanted to upload a photo of my Brand New Scales (which I can promise you I did NOT pay much for!!) So here it is, and yes I toyed with putting my weight on here for everyone to see, in the end I decided to. Today is a starting point, I will never be here again so I am so proud of where I am cause I am one step closer than I was yesterday:)
Sept 8-11

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