
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assign 4 Testing yourself

Testing yourself Step 3 Assignment 4

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 1:35pm
Testing yourself Step 3 Assignment 4

It has been 5 weeks of making big changes in the area of food for me. I have avoided going out to dinner every step of the way because I was not strong enough yet. I know from experience that I have to be in a strong routine before I am able to go out to a restaurant and make good decisions. Up until the other day I hadn't reached that point.

Wednesday I drove my husband to the airport and on the way home my friend and I were very hungry so we decided to stop for dinner. Where did we go? Governors! Hello!! You want to bet I was regretting my decision when I was faced with the biggest peanut butter ball I had ever seen in the dessert case!!As I sat there looking at the menu, I took a moment, what did I really want? What would I feel like on the way home if I ate something really bad? In the end I gave myself permission to eat anything I wanted on the menu with no feelings of guilt attached to my decision, in the end I ordered a BLT with a salad. The unconscious test I had put myself through was over, I had one...right??

Not quite yet...inside my BLT the cooks had put the actual butt end of the core of the lettuce was the round hard disgusting I showed it to the waitress. She made a huge deal out of it...I kept telling her it was not a big deal, just show the cooks. Well she didn't, she showed the manager who immediately came over and offered me ANY DESSERT I wanted for free!! I politely told them I was watching my diet so they said "ok, we will give you two desserts to bring home for people in your home", I said no thanks, what I really wanted to say is..."Hello, Dumb Ass, I just told you that I was on a plan... if that peanut butter ball is in the back seat you will find me stopped on the side of I-95 getting into that container!!" Needless to say I ran out of that restaurant really fast before I changed my mind!

The moral here is listen to your gut, know your limits. Only test yourself when you know you are strong.


Next time you plan to go to a restaurant, if you are feeling weak then pick one that does not offer choices that you just can't seem to refuse. Take the pressure off yourself by allowing yourself to have what you really want, most of the time when you weigh the advantages you will make the healthier choice. And if all else fails, go out the night before weigh in cause you know that you are not going to fall too far off the edge, cause tomorrow you will be very upset!

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