
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 8 What time of Day do you Eat??

What time of Day do you Eat?? Step 2 Assignment 8

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 10:41am
What time of day do you eat?

This can make a huge impact on what the scale says! This week for instance, I was pretty good with the exception of what time of day I have been eating. I have increased my cardio time from 10 to 20 min a day, everyday, not just 5 days a week like I had assigned. It has made me feel refreshed and my dog Max is holding me accountable because he loves his walks.

So my food intake is good, my exercise has increased, so what is happening for me to only lose 1 pound? My eating habits have changed, because of the hours I have been working this week it has effected the weight loss. Every day I get up have a nice breakfast, this is the most important meal of the day, that is what "they" say and it is absolutely true. It revs up our metabolism and kicks it into gear enabling us to have energy and start burning calories. Then I take my walk, really giving it a jump start. Head to work, get a few nibbles of something healthy during the day, but not enough to sustain the amount of calories I am burning, because with every massage I burn 250 calories. Not eating a "lunch" per say because of not having enough time, working my body this way depletes me of all my energy.

Luckily I was a little smart in my preparations, because before I leave in the  morning I have already made dinner, with fresh veggies cut up for salad as well.  When I arrive at home ravished, it makes it easier to stick to the plan because I have prepared ahead of time. However, it is 830-9 pm before I am eating! Then it is straight to bed for me, all while I am sleeping that food is just sitting there like a lump, with no activity it does not digest properly and it practically falls straight to my hips and that is where it stays! It is not a wise use of calories to say the least. When I need the calories I am starving my body but when I don't need the calories (sleeping hours) I am pounding them down my throat!

Figuring out a healthy way to organize your meal time can be tricky with all our crazy schedules, but there is one rule of thumb that always works beautifully, Don't eat 2 hours before you go to bed. That is one of the major keys to weight loss.


Stop eating at least 2 hours before you go to bed, just that simple! I am very guilty of this so I will adjust my life so I can adapt this new rule and I hope you do the same, I guarantee you will see a difference. And I will prove it to you on next week's scale!! Till then! xxoxoxoxo

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