
Monday, October 24, 2011

Step 1 Assign 3 Water, Water, Water

Water, Water, Water!!!

Now that we are learning about why we eat and when we eat and how much we eat, I think we should talk about what we drink. Don’t worry I am not going to go poking around in your liquor cabinet cause the fact of the matter is I LOVE Rum! So I am not one to talk that is for sure, my maiden name was not Rumery for no reason! HA!

Seriously, I was referring to water before I got completely side tracked with my friend Bacardi! Water is one of the most important things we can put in our bodies. Without water our body will suffer from dehydration, and believe it or not,  a large majority of people walk around each and every day in a minor state of dehydration. Yes that is right, they don’t realize how much better they would feel if they just hydrated their body! Each organ needs water to perform its own functions properly and without it, the body will take water from the less important areas, like joints in your body! Yes that is true areas in the body require fluid to keep moving just like a car needs oil.  I have seen many people in my practice as a massage therapist suffer from nagging back aches and headaches that have been alleviated by increasing  their water intake to the proper daily portion. There are many different studies out there and they change every day but the most consistent says the body requires 64 oz of water on an ordinary day. However, if you are exercising you need to increase your intake of water as you are losing it when you sweat, adding some electrolytes can also decrease the risk of dehydration when working out. Some fun ways and tips to get your water in are as follows.

Go out and buy yourself a really AWESOME glass, something pretty, big, small, loud colors, pastel colors, whatever makes you happy, that way it gives you something to look forward to when you drink your water. I use my Rum glass for my water too, cause I LOVE my rum glass so some days when it is like 11 am I will sip on my water and pretend it is a nice rum drink..I just sip and smile and nobody has to know  what I am thinking lol!

Other tips can be using fresh lemons, or lime in your water. Or drinking sparkling water can help too, or even crystal light. The only problem with these substitutes is the fact that they tend to dehydrate the body so you just have to drink a little more for the same result and be careful of the added calories.

Also if you have a hard time drinking all the water throughout the day then try buying a really neat water bottle that you “just can’t live without” then carry it with you  to work or wherever you go, if it is unique enough it can also become a conversational piece, I have found that we live a feeling universe and whatever makes us feel good we tend to do!

Go out and buy a nice glass or really snazzy water bottle. One that is just for you:) And drink your damn water!! I promise after a few days of peeeing all day, that will go away and you will feel soooo much better! I expect reports and I would love to see pics of your favorite glasses/bottles!!

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