
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assign 6 Don't freak Out!!

Don't freak Out!! Step 3 Assignment 6

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 6:13am
Don't freak Out!!   Step 3 Assignment 6

Starting strength training is very different then when you start cardio. After the first few weeks people give up because they do not like the numbers on the scale, or they don't like the way it makes them feel super hungry. I am here to tell you..don't give up!

It is very typical to see a slight weight gain or for you to slow down losing for a couple of weeks as your body deals with the adjustment of adding in hard muscle work. Some people think you are gaining more muscle so you gain weight..that is a myth, a pound is a pound..whether it is fat, muscle or is a pound and it all weighs the same...a pound. However a pound of muscle is denser so it takes up less space, so therefore you will see a big difference in the way your clothes fit in just a few short weeks.

Eating...after the initial start of strength training some people will feel as though they are ravished! There is a legitimate reason for this, remember when I said muscle burns more calories than fat? That's why, you are gaining much needed muscle and giving your metabolism a giant kick start at the same time the body is saying "hello!! I am burning all these extra calories...feed me...feed me!!" Yes feed it, but with some healthy choices, don't use this as an excuse to go hog wild because you have burned extra calories.

To sum it all up, if you jump on the scale and all the hard work is not reflected in the first week, don't freak out! Give it 2-3 weeks of consistent effort and you will drop right off, your body is just making adjustments to the changes in activity. Go by the way your clothes feel, this is the best way to judge how you are doing, you may even want to measure yourself. As for the eating, you need to fuel your body but don't overeat as you will be ruining all that you have accomplished.


If you have not started doing your arm exercises, DO THEM! I will also assign some lower body work tomorrow.

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