
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 12 Preparation is the key to success!!!

Preparation is the key to success!! Step 1 Assignment 12

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 6:52am
Preparation is the key to success!!    Step 1 Assignment 12

With anything we try to accomplish we know that having the right tools and being prepared will set us on a path of success before we even start. It doesn’t matter if we are building a house, planning a party or  trying to lose weight, if we are prepared and think ahead we have taken most of the obstacles out of our way before we start.

I know that we are all busy and have little time, and that we always find an excuse as to why we can’t cut up those veggies,pack that nutritious lunch or my favorite... why we can’t exercise! There is always a “good” excuse isn’t there? I have a fool proof way to make ourselves successful, prepare and plan. I am always on the go, always grabbing a quick bite to eat on my next travel out the door, so I have decided that I would make my life a little more health friendly. I always have stuff in the fridge for a salad, but it will rot before I make it, cause I think I never have time to cut up the veggies. The real true story is I do have time I just choose to use it for other things. So on this journey I have realized the importance of making extra preparations for easy meals a priority in life.

This Sunday for instance I spent 1 hour cooking 3 different types of boneless chicken to freeze, making easy access for a quick source of protein to place on top of the salad. As for the salad I use one of my serving containers and cut up enough for 2-3 days of salads. These veggies can also serve a purpose when you are making a meal and don’t want to take the time to add fresh veggies because you don’t have time to cut them up.  It only takes a short time to cut up these veggies once every few days and it makes it really convenient for grab and go type of meals.

Get yourself separate containers for your veggies or one container like mine shown below, cut up enough veggies for 2-3 days. Also have your measuring spoons, cup, and scale on the side board ready to be used. All these tools are at my fingertips at all times, that way I can use them instead of trying to guess the proper serving size.

Also I have recently found the best application on my phone ever!!  They have a website too it is the best piece of accountability I have ever had, other than Facebook, lol! . It helps to track every bite you take and all the nutrients that you are consuming in the run of a day. The coolest part of the phone feature is you can literally scan the bar code of the item you are eating! Yes scan it and it logs it for you! It is amazing but the best part is it is FREE!! Love it!
Being prepared is key,  if we think one step ahead we will be setting ourselves up for success!
This is my salad dish, I just cut up fresh veggies and place in the fridge:)
My measuring tools, these are priceless to me at this point. It keeps me accountable and I keep them right beside my stove so they are easy access.

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