
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To Post or Not to Post???

eceived and email today from an anonymous follower. All last week she really applied herself and was so excited to weigh in, she jumped on the scales Thursday morning and was pleasantly surprised that all her hard work had paid off. She lost 3.4 Pounds!! Yeah!!

As she sat at her computer typing in the loss under my post she just couldn't allow herself to hit SEND. The thought of what people would say haunted her mind as she tried over and over to hit the button. I can totally understand her feelings I have been there, I lost over 100 pounds in the public's eye and I gained it back in the public's eye.  Pound by pound I trudged myself through each day making each trip to the grocery store, each basketball game or community event, all while people watching me gain it all back. Yes I heard the people whispering and saw the way people looked me up and down and tried not to make it too noticeable. Some people didn't even recognize me! The point I make is it does not matter what other people think, it will all bounce right off if you are in a place of acceptance with yourself:)

so this is what I told "anonymous follower".....

"The most important thing I want you to know is this is YOUR journey, no one can walk in your shoes, no one knows how you truly feel. So the most important thing is to look deep inside and be sure your actions are making you feel good, if that means posting your weight, then by god do it! If that means quietly doing a dance of joy naked in your bathroom! Then do it!!

There are so many things we beat ourselves up in life about, don't let this be one of them. This is your victory! YEAH!! Don't allow the SEND button or what society thinks take that away from you!!! You celebrate however it makes you happy, after all you are doing this for you :) "

xoxoxo Much love to my Anonymous Follower :)

Sept 15,11

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