
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assign 3 Your age does effect your weightloss!!

Your age does effect your weightloss!! Step 3 Assignment 3

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 6:01am
Your age does effect your Weightloss!! Step 3 Assignment 3

Have you ever heard anyone say that they eat the same as they did in their 20's but are gaining weight in their 30's? They say that their metabolism is stopped! In a sense it kind of has, or it has slowed down dramatically that is.

After the age of 30 women lose 1/2 of a percent of muscle each year. Now remember when I told you that each pound of muscle burns 50 calories at rest...that means...even if you are sitting all day on the couch your muscle will burn 50 calories just to exist, as for a pound of burns zero!

So naturally when a woman is used to eating 2000 calories a day and now she has lost 2 pounds of muscle over a few short years then she can no longer eat 2000 calories a day to maintain the same weight, she has to eat 1900 calories in order to keep the same weight. Most women will just continue to eat in the same patterns, until before they know it they have put on 10, 20 even 30 pounds! All if this from normal muscle loss with the aging process.

How do we fight this you ask? Strength Training, is the key! Integrating only a few days of strength training can help you to gain back the much needed muscle and restore your metabolism. Don't allow the aging process to take your metabolism, fight back with strength training!

Do your arm exercises I showed you!! Email me with any questions you have I would love to help, Nikki!!

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