
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 2 Assign 16 That Damn Wagon!!!!

That Damn Wagon!!!! Step 2 Assignment 15

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 5:53pm
That Damn Wagon!!!!  Step 2 Assignment 15

I hate the wagon!! Don't you? That stupid wagon that everyone talks about jumping on and falling off all the time! Yes that is the kind of mood I am in today, the kind that is mad at myself for my behavior. Last night I had a gathering with friends and family, I knew the menu, planned each point carefully with my weight watchers plan, but reverted back to my old habits of over eating in a quick hurry!

I had baked a cake earlier in the day and didn't even lick the beaters or sneak a taste of frosting, only to ruin it all and round out the evening with twice as many points as I had budgeted for. UGH!!

When I woke this morning I felt the usual disappointment and guilty feelings that would normally make me quit. Then I sat back and said...HELLO!! You are human, stop being so hard on yourself and move on! Today is a new day, jump back on the wagon....then it hit me...there is no way to fall off wagon with Weight Watchers! Yes you heard me right... you can not fail! What a breath of fresh air it was to me as I sat down to the computer and entered in all the points that I had consumed. These extra points were taken off the Points Plus allowance that I am allotted each week! That is the best part of the program, they have taken the guilt out of being human, and allowed you a chance to stumble but pick yourself right back up:)

Next time you stumble and feel as though you have fallen off the wagon, realize that you have not fallen off you have merely hit a bump in the road.

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