
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers Challenge Step 2 Assign 7

Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers Challenge Step 2 Assignment 7

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 6:29am
I am not sure if you have heard but Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers is holding a weight loss challenge! Oh how I love competition!! Usually when you are in a competition, one person goes home with a victory and the other nothing, not in this challenge! One person could win a million dollars and every other person will go home with a healthier body, how is this not a win win situation?

In his challenge you will touch on 7 major keys to a healthier you, he has partnered with Weight Watchers to help people in this journey, keep in mind you do not have to become a member to win. The challenge touches on several different areas, they want you to tell a friend, contact your dr. to find out what your scores are (cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure), get an official weigh in with Weight Watchers to get your BMI (this is free), learn family healthy history, get more sleep, assess your stress and start new fitness plan.

All these things are very simple steps and many of them we are already working towards with my program too. To be eligible to win you have to lose 10% of your body weight or lower your BMI to a healthy range before April. The only catch is, you have to be weighed in at the beginning of your process and at the end at a participating Weight Watchers location, the nearest location is Dover, NH. Apparently there are no locations in Maine that participate. Also the sooner you weigh in the better your chances are to meet your goal, simply because you will have the most time to reach it. They are NOT looking for the person who has lost the most weight, the viewing audience will vote for finalists that have empowering stories along the way, so anyone can be part of this, so tell everyone you know:)

The best part I have found about this is the site that you log into, Sharecare! I LOVE LOVE this site! I am so excited about it's resources! Can you tell? They have areas that are tailored to fit you according the survey they ask you to take in the beginning, but they also have a search engine where you can put any diet/exercise question into and it will pop up answers from professionals, what a wonderful resource to have! You have got to check it out!

Some people have no problem finding motivation to work out and eat better and some of us need an incentive dangling in front of our face to keep us motivated. Keep your eye on the prize sort of thing, by participating in this program you have that prize dangling in front of you, even if you don't win the million in the end you have still won a prize, a healthier you!


Sign up for this competition! What do you have to lose? Oh yeah...weight, awareness of your health all the things you have wanted for a long time. What do you have to gain? A healthier, more satisfied you. If you don't want to compete that is ok but I still want you to sign up and log in so you have access to this wonderful site, it can answer so many questions you have. I will post the site for you to click on

If anyone is interested in going to Dover, NH to get weighed in, I am going! It is going to be a one day down and back trip, sort of a girls road trip so if you want to go let me know and we could all ride together, it would be fun!

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