
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 8 My Weight

My Weight     Step 1 Assignment 8 

I have received a lot of comments about posting my weight, in private messages, in the grocery store, and even phone calls! Let me tell you it wasn’t a decision that came easily. When the thought came to my mind I thought…no way…what are you thinking Nikki? You have officially lost it! Not only have you told the whole facebook world your inner feelings but now you are going to humiliate yourself worse than you have ever done before!

The more I thought about it the more I realized that the scale is just a number; it does not define WHO I am.  Who I am is my personal truth, what I believe, not what everyone else believes, so as long as I am comfortable with who I am  and where I am in my life, does it really matter what my scale says or what society says?

As I uploaded my photo I had an overwhelming feeling of liberation, I knew at that moment I was stepping into a new place of acceptance in my life, a time where the measure of myself is not a measurement that can be weighed on any scale, it is measured by what I feel inside.  I can only hope that when each and every one of you step on the scale today  you will remember it is just a number not a measurement of who you are.

Assignment  8
This is an easy one! Repeat these words before you step on the scale: “I am in a place of acceptance in my life, my success is measured by how I feel inside, the scale is just a tool and it does not define who I am!”  xoxoxo! Hugs to you All!!!
(I will be doing a separate post for our weight update so if you wish to post your loss feel free to do it under that post so I can keep them all together, thanks!!)
Who knew? Watching portion size really does work, 4 pounds this week:)
Sept 15,11

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