
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 10 Sitting Down While You Eat

Sitting down while you eat Step 1 Assignment 10

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 7:23am
Sitting down when you eat   Step 1 Assignment 10

Sitting down while you eat is very important. I once read a book by Geneen Roth, it was named “ When you eat at the fridge pull up a chair”.  One of the points she made was we need to create a sense of awareness when eating.  We take little licks and nibbles while we are preparing dinner or the little bites as we graze through the fridge looking for a drink, and those don’t count right?  When in reality, if you counted all the little licks and nibbles we are consuming, it would account for a large portion of our daily calorie intake.

Which brings me to eating in front of the tv, it pains me to even speak these words, I know that they are true, but I am extremely guilty of doing this myself! Sitting at the tv while you eat is one of the worst habits to have, all while you are watching tv, you are totally focused  on with the tv and not what is entering your mouth, causing us to eat larger quantities at a faster pace. When we are finished we have no idea that we have even eaten a meal, so we go out and get another helping!

This is easy, eat your meal at the table with your family, it will create time for conversation and you will be more aware of what and how much you are eating. Also stop the licks and nibbles at the fridge, counter and in the pantry. If you intend to eat it, even if it is a tablespoon full of peanut butter, bring it to the table on a plate and sit down. The  first thing you will notice is, it takes up way too much time to go and sit down for a spoonful of food, the second is, you have more dishes to do and no one wants more dishes! After this week you will surely be aware of what is going in your mouth!

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