
Monday, October 24, 2011

Step 1 Assign 7 Rewarding Yourself!!

Rewarding yourself     Step 1 Assignment 7

Goal setting is very important on this journey, if you don’t have small milestones along the way it can make the big picture seem way too unattainable. So in order to keep yourself motivated it is important to set your goals small and attainable with a reward at the end of each goal. I am not talking about eating an entire cheesecake, or a trip to China Hill here, I am talking about something you can look at or a memory you can keep to remind you of your continual determination that got you to that point.

You may want to treat yourself to a new pair of shoes, new outfit,  go on a hiking trip, or even a weekend get away with your girlfriends. Whatever it is, it should be something that you really want, and it will leave you with a feeling that will last you through to the next goal!

Assignment 7
Set your goal for your first milestone, make it believable and attainable. It should not take you any more than 3 months to achieve. You can put a timeline if you prefer, I however am not giving myself a limit of time because it just makes me feel very anxious and stressed at this point in my journey. After my first 25 pounds I am going to reward myself with a weekend with my girlfriends at the Comfort Inn in Belfast. I love that motel and I am assuming that it will be during the winter when I reach my goal so it will be a welcomed getaway. I would love to hear your rewards!!

Sept 14-11

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