
Monday, October 24, 2011

Step 1 Assign 5 Calorie Awareness

Calorie Awareness

You can go on any diet, low carb, low fat, no fat, milk shake diet, or even the blueberry muffin diet (which I did once and don't recommend lol!) you may even have marginal success for a short period of time until you decide to eat like a normal human being again! The fact of the matter is, to lose weight there is no magic pill or full proof way to succeed without the proper equation....Calories = Energy Expulsion. I know you have heard all the myths about the latest and greatest diets but the truth is you need to exert more than you take in, there is no rocket science to that it is what it is.

I have tried every diet on the planet and the only one that works for me is eating all food groups, and having a calorie deficit. The best part about this is you are not deprived because it is all about priorities, you chose the items that really mean the most to you and make no mistake and stay within your allowance. A woman of my size needs 2500 calories a day to just maintain my daily functions so theoretically if I cut my calories to 1500 I will lose approximately 3 pounds per week. Now, if I was to add some physical activity in with that the loss should increase. I plan to finish out this week of portion awareness and start cutting my calories back to 1500 on Thursday, wish me luck, and if you decide to make a similar change let me know I want to hear your feedback!

Oh yes I will post a link that offers a calculator to find out how many calories YOU need to perform your daily functions:)

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