
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assign 2 Starvation Mode!!

Starvation Mode!!! Step 3 Assignment 2

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 7:30am
Starvation Mode!!! Step 3 Assignment 2

The words starvation mode sounds scary...right? Many of us have never really been in danger of starving, I don't believe anyway. When actually, any person who has ever dieted for a period of time has kicked their bodies into starvation mode.

When we diet for more than a couple of days, the body enters into what is called "starvation mode" where it says "holy crap, they are not feeding me so I have to go on a desperate hunt for food" When the body goes on a hunt for it's next meal, it goes straight for the area that contains the most "nutrients" ...your muscle. Yes ladies, I am here to tell you that your body is not going to chose the fat over the is going to take away your muscle first!

As I explained to you yesterday, the muscle burns calories, as for the offers you zero when it comes to calorie burning. So when the body starts feeding off your muscle you will lose weight, but you are also destroying your metabolism, that is why you see chronic dieters who only eat 800 calories a day and they still can not lose weight, they have destroyed their metabolism! The best way to slow this process down is build up and protect your muscle by strength training. Yes cardio helps but any type of weight bearing exercise is key to maintaining your current muscle and adding more so that you will be able to burn more calories.

Try to get your mind wrapped around the fact that strength training is the key to your weight loss. Integrate it into your life for at least one keep your metabolism revved up!!!

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