
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 11 Give yourself a Break!!

Give yourself a break Step 1 Assignment 11

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 8:06am
Give yourself a break Step 1 Assignment 11

It is coincidental that this assignment would come after a Saturday night, as most people tend to overindulge when they are in the presence of their family and friends celebrating or just having a good old fashioned "get together". Last night we had a party for my sisters birthday, it was so much fun to see the family and friends that we hadn't seen in so long. Then of course there is the all the food and drink that comes along with the evening, our family LOVES to eat so we always have way more than we need.

So obviously I am getting to the part of the story where I overindulged last evening. When I left the house I prepared myself, I gave myself permission to eat and drink whatever I wanted, anything under the sun, with a couple exceptions. I had to put my focus on my  friends and conversation, not the food table.  Also when I ate, I had to be conscious of every bite I took and I had to be sitting down while I did it, no grazing at the food table! No guilt!! That were the rules I gave myself!

I did all those things, I even had a really small sliver of cake,( half of what I normally would take). I had all intentions to return for another little sliver but by the times I took it to my chair and finished it I had found myself in another great conversation that was way more important than another piece of cake. I ate what I wanted but was conscious all while I was doing it so in the end, I ate a lot less than I normally would.

Every time we eat a little something we shouldn't we attach feelings of guilt to that food. "I have blown it!" "I just ruined everything I did last week so I will just quit", these thoughts race through our head, and wind up in the end talking us straight into quitting our plan, just because we had one day or one evening of indulgence! One Day! We focus on the failure of that one day, not the victory of the other 6 we had this week. That feeling of failure consumes us and then we eat even more! It is a vicious circle which can stop, all you have to do is allow yourself to be a normal human being! If your best friend was on a diet and she had one day that was a little "bad" would you tell her, "guess you screwed it all up in one day, I know you have been trying really hard for the past 2 months but I guess you better just quit!" No! Of course you wouldn't, so we do tell ourselves that?

The truth of the matter is what damage we do in one day/evening can be taken off by 1-2 days of really restrictive calorie intake. It is the "oh frig it" attitude that follows that is collects the extra pounds.

Assignment 11

Next time you go out, go by these rules:
1. Tell yourself that it is ok if you sway a little
2. Always eat sitting down, no grazing at the food table
3. Really concentrate on the people and conversation and less on the food
4. You will start fresh in the morning
5. No Guilt!!! Have Fun!!!

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