
Thursday, October 27, 2011

My opinion On Meal Replacement Shakes

My opinion on Meal Replacement Shakes

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 7:50am
My opinion on Meal Replacement Shakes

Remember the title here ladies...this is MY OPINION!

As you know I have tried every diet under the sun, Adkins, Tops, South Beach, Curves, Slimfast, Green Apple, Gold Gym, and even the blueberry muffin diet, that last one was invented by yours truly. I have always had marginal success, but every time I start to live like a NORMAL human being again, it all disappears.

My topic today is meal replacement shakes, there are many great substitutes for meals out there, but there are also many that make false claims. Many times at first you will see results which is great but that result quickly fades when the reality of life seeps back in. Let's get real here, if we replace every snack and meal except one with a shake, what is the likely hood that you will do this every day for the rest of your life? It is not likely at all, it starts with just a taste or a nibble then before you know it, you are back to "real life".

The point I want to make here have to make changes that will last forever, and I don't know about you but I love to chew food and 2 shakes and a "small sensible meal" will not cut it for the rest of my life! Now I am not saying that when you are in a pinch and can't get a meal that you should NEVER drink one, because I occasionally drink them too, I have a busy lifestyle and it is important not to skip meals as it slows down your metabolism. It is however important to make changes that you will be able to live with for you entire life.

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