
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step 3 Assign 8 Learning to Accept

Step 3 Assignment 8 Learning to Accept

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 6:30am
Step 3 Assignment 8   learning to Accept

I must say not being able to post has been a pain, I write these posts as certain thoughts and different experiences happen. Not being able to share these thoughts have been very frustrating!

The other day I was given a compliment about my weight loss, instead of saying thank you I immediately started picking apart something else on my body and making it a joke!! Why couldn't I just say a simple thank you??

In my life I have always had a problem accepting any kind of compliment. Whatever they compliment me on, I immediately counter with a comment downing myself in another way. Why is that? It is not enough to just stop this behavior and accept the compliment, I feel we must look a little deeper and figure out why this behavior exists.

What I have determined is deserve-ability. So many times we deny ourselves what we deserve because of something that has happened in our past, often feelings of being unwanted as a child or maybe it is something that you did that you are not so proud of and won't let yourself move forward. So how do we move past this?

Forgiveness. Forgiveness, whether it be for another person, or forgiveness for yourself. This sounds so easy but rarely is... right? Some of you will say "They don't deserve forgiveness!" That is when you have to get selfish because releasing these feelings will free you not them. By releasing these feelings you have let go of all that is holding you back and you have opened up your path for healthy relationships from here on out.

Some of you will say "I don't deserve forgiveness!" Now that one is tricky, I suppose you must first try to make amends with whom you have hurt. If that does not work you still must release these feelings and learn from the experience and move forward knowing that you are human and will not repeat these behaviors.

To sum it all up, if we find/give forgiveness our mind will shift into a new place where we are able to believe we deserve greatness and only then will we learn to accept ourselves and the love of others.

Next time someone gives you a compliment, don't spend the next few moments trying to find something wrong with you to counter act that compliment. Simply say thanks, take a deep breath, close your eyes and tell yourself you deserve it and most importantly, you believe it!! My love to you allxoxoxoxo

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