
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 1 Assign 9 Now Let's Talk Food!!

Now let's talk food! Step 1 Assignment 9

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 6:29am
Now let’s talk food!     Step1 Assignment 9

I recently logged every calorie that went into my mouth in the run of an average day. I consumed nearly 4500 calories!! Yes you heard me right! Luckily I am a pretty active person, when my feet hit the floor I am running all day, not to mention my job is very physical. Performing a 60 min massage you burn 250 calories, note I said performing not receiving!! LOL!  So when I give 3 massages that is an added 750 calories a day that I have burned, but when you are eating over 4000 it doesn’t make a dent in that!!

So this week I decided to decrease my calorie intake to 1500 per day, after assignment ( 5) I made a post where you can find a website that will show you how much you personally need to eat in order to start losing weight.  That aside, I would like to make an important point, I am eating all food group! Some diets limit or restrict the consumption of entire food groups, so much, that when you return to a normal eating pattern you immediately gain weight! Now we don’t need that happening!

I believe that there would not be dairy if we weren’t suppose to have it, or proteins, or fats, or vegetables, or starches for that matter! The body is designed to process them all differently because they all posses something the body needs to survive! (I have never doubted God on anything and he made all the food groups for a reason I am sure of it!!)

Go to your pantry, read your labels, find the items that are close to their natural state those are the ones to keep. Go to your fridge, look at your dressings first, the ones you can see through are the ones that are most likely the best for you and the same goes for your soups. If you can see through it, than it is most likely your better choice. Look in your crisper, is it full of soda or is it full of veggies? Take notice of what is in our home and go to the grocery store and fill it up with all colors of the rainbow, Green: Green Beans, Cabbage, Lettuce, Red: Red Peppers, Apples, Orange: Sweet peppers, Oranges, I think you get my drift, one more note: Do not go out and be all gung ho, and buy a bunch of stuff you won’t eat, start with the ones you know you like or love! After we are in the habit of making a better choice we will start to be adventurous! Have a great Friday ladies!!
A typical example of "if you can see through it" The caesar dressing is higher in calories, fat and sodium...

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