
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Step 4 The first Phase of Success/ Failure

Step 4 The first Phase of Success/Failure

I have a good friend that has been telling me for a few weeks now that I needed to post an up to date photo because you could really see the difference from the weight loss. I just kept avoiding her requests, I was subconsciously avoiding doing this and not knowing why. Also I found myself in a similar situation the other day twice in the same day...I had seen people that I had not seen in a while and they immediatly commented on how good I looked. Feeling very uncomfortable I immediatly shifted the conversation back to a topic about them. After the second time doing that in one day I thought to myself "hello Nikki, you need to learn how to take a compliment".

So I immediately went to facebook and posted a new pic of me. as I was posing for the camera I was so proud and feeling wonderful, but after I posted the picture and the comments started to roll in, I just wanted to take it down. It was bothering me to have all this positive attention thrown my way. I spent the next two days literally trying to sabotage my own success, everything I had worked for so hard I was trying to undo just because I didn't like the attention it was causing. At that moment I took a step back and said this is way deeper that just simply learning how to take a compliment, I must explore. This is what I came up with...

I have now realized that it all goes back to the basics we have already talked about, Loving yourself enough, and your ability to realize you deserve it.

I know we all have our own background story, some have been abused, some have suffered physical limitations, some have suffered psychological damage, it could also be bad choices that you made in the past. I am here to tell you that whatever it is that makes you think that you are not worth it, is only holding you back. It is in the past and so long as you continue to live in the past and play the victim then your life will model that role, doomed to repeat those feelings and situations over and over.

Simply let go of being the victim, I realize that some of the things that have happened are beyond your control but the way you choose to react to them is not. I give you permission to step up and claim the life you deserve, leave whatever it is in your past behind and move into a new space, the same space you hold unconditional love and understanding for others, give it to yourself just as effortlessly as you would someone else. Why you ask? Because you Deserve it!

My love to you all and have a very Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Step 4 Staying focused During the Holidays Season!

Step 4 Staying focused During the Holidays Season!

No matter where you are on your journey, whether it has just begun or you are 6 months into it, when the holidays come around the corner it is very easy to find yourself back to square one. No worries, cause there are a few keys you can follow to help keep your eye on the prize during this difficult time of year. The very first thing you MUST do is not let your anxiety hit at the thought of the Holidays...we tend to sit and think about all the goodies that will be put in front of us, and all that we will be deprived of because of our diet...and these thoughts cause tons of anxiety! And this is before the season even starts.

The second thing is...any way you slice it, you can only lose weight by burning more calories that you take in. So if you eat a piece of fudge, you know you have just made a decision to walk 10 more min on the treadmill, or if you eat the pan of fudge you know you will be working out 7 days this week for an extra half hour each day! Lesson here is, even it out...calories vs exercise, if you going to eat it, just do it! Then work it off:)

The third rule is deprivation, the second we start depriving ourselves of something we really want we head down the road of disaster. I am not saying go eat everything you want, I am saying, when you find yourself in that situation stop, don't eat in impulsively. Walk away, give it a moment, really ask yourself these questions. Do I really want this? Is it worth an extra 20 min of exercise? And in the end if you really just want it and are willing to take up the slack in the gym, then just eat it!! Give yourself permission to be responsible for your actions, and be sure these actions are without guilt, do not allow yourself to attach feelings where they don't belong. You wanted fudge..and you ate it..Big whoop! You will work it off in the gym tomorrow, don't let it ruin your night, enjoy the company you are with and be happy cause life is what you make it.

The fourth and final thing, eat mindfully. When you eat that peanut butter ball rejoice in every single taste and nibble. Take your time with it, eat it like you would drink a fine wine, slowly enjoying every moment. If you enjoy every second of it, I guarantee you will not eat more than one, because the enjoyment lasts that much longer making it not necessary to have more than one. Once you have fulfilled that urge you are ready to move on to something more important like conversation with friends:)

I hope this helps you during this joyous season, love to you all!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Step 4 Vision Board

Step 4 Vision Board

How often do you take off on a trip without some idea where you are going? And if we did then how would we know that we were "there" when we had not predetermined any sort of destination?

If there is one thing in life I have learned, is that without some sort of idea where we are going then we tend to just flounder around aimlessly never getting very far from where we started. A few years ago I heard of something called a vision board, this board serves as your road map for where you want to be in your life. This tool works hand in hand with the theory of the Law of Attraction. If you are not farmiliar with the Law of Attraction it goes a little like this; What you believe you will receive. Yes just that simple! If you believe you are a fat pig that can't get out of your way then guess are a fat pig that can't get out of your way! On the other hand if you believe that you are a fit, strong athlete than you are one! Whatever your personal truth is, is what you will become.

How many times in your life have you thought a certain thought about yourself and it came true? Mostly we remember all the bad things like.."I am fat" or "I can't do that". I am here to tell you that whatever your mind believes becomes your personal truth. So change that inner dialogue to what you want for yourself and you will begin to shift into a different place where those dreams become reality.

For years I pictured myself being a runner, but I always said "I can't do that cause my breath won't allow me to do it" or "My boobs are way to huge, and it hurts to run". For quite some time I have had thoughts and pictures of me running in my head, I have even had dreams where I saw myself running. And now I find myself running, yes all 270 pounds! I am here to tell you whatever you believe you will receive, no matter how big or small or good or bad it is!

One way of bringing these thoughts into reality is creating a vision board, I have had a vision board hanging in my bedroom for years. It changes as what I want out of life changes. Whatever it is I want to focus on I paste it on the board and place it on the wall so I can stare at it a few min before I go to bed and it is the first thing I see when I wake up. The most important thing I do is put out the feelings of already being in that moment of time where I have reached my goal. If you picture yourself at the finish line and feel the feelings that you will feel at that moment you are drawing them to you with the laws of attraction.

Whether you believe in the law of attraction really makes no difference, what do you have to lose by picturing yourself where it is you want be in the end. Putting these feelings out in the universe can do you no harm I assure you! The more you feel them the more you crave them and that feeling is the fuel that pushes you closer to your goal.

Tips on how to make you vision board:

1. Go get a bunch of old magazines you love to read and look at. As you turn the pages cut out what catches your eye, Pictures, Words, whatever jumps out at you. Once you have a bunch of things cut out start pasting them on the paper. Start in the middle, put your ultimate goal in the middle and surround it with the thoughts and feelings that will help you to reach this ultimate goal.

Now this vision board is not to share, unless you want to share. Allowing others to look deep into our dreams and goals sometimes is not a good thing. Other people tend to be a tad bit pessimistic and if we are not careful then we will give them the power to plant the seed of doubt in our mind. By allowing this to happen we are putting our goal much further away. Remember YOU are the one who has to believe, some of the greatest people in history were terrific dreamers and they did not accomplish great things by letting the opinion of others stop them. So keep this vision to yourself until you have a strong sense of it becoming your reality. I will share my vision board with you as it does not matter what anyone says because it is my current reality and no one can take that away:)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Step 4 Moving into a New Space

Step 4 Moving into a New Space

Over the last 13 weeks I feel as though I have moved into a new space, not just with my physical body but most importantly with my mental status. I remember just a few short weeks ago as I would workout, my feet and legs hurt so bad, with every step I just wanted to stop but my mind kept me going with the thoughts of where I would soon be. In my mind I felt like I could just take off running but my physical body just did not allow that to happen, every time I worked out there was a sense of disappointment that would surface because of the limitations I was faced with. I quickly had to push those thoughts aside and keep telling myself that this soon would pass and my physical body would catch up to the body that I envisioned in my mind, the body that I knew was there.

I realize I have only lost 30 pounds, but I am telling you I feel as though I am walking with a new set of legs. I am running on the treadmill for goodness sakes! There is an amazing feeling when your body catches up to your mind, a feeling that is indescribable!

Now for my mind, I am not going to sit here and tell you that every day is filled with joy because I have mysteriously solved my emotional eating issue, and it has vanished with each pound lost, because that would just be a lie. I still struggle with this at times, but there is a few differences 1. I acknowledge my behavior  2. I fix the problem rather than drown it in food  3. Most importantly, when I am faced with one of these moments I make better choices because I believe that I deserve a better life;)

“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there.”
Zig Ziglar

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Step 3 Assign 15 Surviving the Holidays!

Step 3 Assign  15 Surviving the Holidays!

It has been 11 weeks since the beginning of this journey, I am so glad that I have had a few weeks to get into my routine before the holidays rolled around. Note to self: never begin a plan in the middle of a holiday season!! Having a few weeks to settle into a routine and some success on the scale has given me the confidence to know that I have the strength to get through this without disaster.

My entire family loves food, we center our whole gatherings around it. There is one Thanksgiving I remember in particular, it was the first one I had after my 100 pound weightloss. The last time I lost my weight was very different than this time. Last time there was no room for error, I put restrictions and limitations on everything I did. If I ate one thing that was considered "indulgent" I would pay with the imminent guilt that would follow for days.  Yes, actual days of punishing myself for allowing myself to be weak, (I know now I wasn't "weak" I was only being "human"!) Sad isn't it? The saddest part about this is, many of you know exactly what I am talking about because you have lived it or you are still living it right now.

That particular Thanksgiving I did not indulge in anything I shouldn't have, so there was no guilt, but the reason I didn't indulge was not because of the fear of guilt that would follow, it was because of the promise I made to myself. I made myself a promise to put my focus on the conversations and the people that were around me. Really focus on listening and being present with my family, afterall we don't get a chance to see each other very often, so it is important to spend time REALLY listening and enjoying the conversation.

The next thing I promised myself I would not do, was stand and eat, I have a habit of snacking at the food table and not even realizing it. I would only eat from a plate while sitting.

In the end I had the best Turkey day ever! I felt as though I really connected with my family and at the same time I ate far less calories.

So this year I vow to do the same things, only I am releasing myself of any guilt that may follow my dinner choices. Not allowing the guilt is the hardest but most rewarding part of this journey for me.

1. Only sit and eat from a plate, do not hover around the snack table.

2. Eat everything you really want, just cut the portion size in half of what you normally would eat.

3. Focus on the conversation and less on the food.

4. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise, there is no better way to get ahead of those holiday pounds then to burn them off! By adding in extra workouts you can increase the chance of staying the same or losing more, even if you allow yourself a few peanut butter balls;)

5.Thanksgiving is only one day, there is no need to overeat the entire weekend! Contain your indulgence in one day if you must do it! Any damage you do on the scale in one day can be taken off immediately with 2-3 days back on your plan. But if you partake in 4 or 5 days of crazy off the wagon behavior then you will see the result when you step on that scale next Thursday.

6. Lastly, don't deprive yourself and most importantly don't allow the guilt to seep in!

I am so grateful for each and every one of you this year, thanks so much for taking this journey with me, Each and every one of you inspire me!!! Gotta go I have a date with the treadmill and a beautiful turkey later on!! xoxoxoxo to you All!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Step 3 Assign 14 Safety Zone

Step 3 Assign 14  Safety Zone

Remember when you were a young child, the world seemed so scary and terrifying at times? Do you remember what you would do when you felt this way? I do, I would run and find the place that made me feel safe, my mom's arms. I knew that no matter what happened I could count on the safety of my mom's arms, she would some how make everything alright, as a matter of fact I still believe that :) Love you mom!!

This thought was brought to the front of my mind the other night as I felt the feelings of overwhelm sink in. Being so busy and not receiving adequate rest I had become sick, it was the sickest I had been in a very long time. Being so sick for so many days it started to effect my mood and emotions bringing me down to a place where I would normally have a nice binge eating frenzy and move on to the next batch of feelings..guilt...for binging!! So this time I noted my feelings and decided I would do something different, I would go to my "safe place." No, I didn't run to my mommy, lol! I went to my bedroom, I have set myself up with a "safe place" I call it my "no food zone." I don't eat in my bedroom, it is just that simple! I have created a place that when I go there I don't have to worry about what I eat, when I eat it or how much I am going to eat, because I just don't allow it to be in this area.

Everyone needs a place that is a "no food zone" so when you are feeling weak, you can simply go there and feel the safety net of sweet freedom from all the hard choices that we make when faced with temptation.  Create your "no food zone" it may be your car, your bathroom, your bath tub, your basement, or like me... your bed! Where ever it may be just remember when you enter that zone it is safe to release all your fears and breathe easy because food will not follow you into that space. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Step 3 Assign 13 When your body Talks to you... listen!!

Step 3 Assign 13  When your body talks to you...listen!

Now that we are eating better and moving our bodies, it brings us closer to them so to speak. Bringing all these things into awareness allows us a closeness so we can be aware of all it's needs.

As you know recently I have been very busy, running at a faster pace than normal. My mind kept saying "Nikki slow down, slow down or your going to pay the price." I didn't listen and...well I woke up this morning paying the price, I have a terrible cold. I did not listen to it's warnings and came down sick. This can also happen with exercise or your diet.

If you are dieting and your body craves a certain food then you need to listen to it, even if it is sweets! In the case of sweets, your body is used to having them so cutting them out all together sets it into "SWEETS DT's"!! The best way to fix this is to feed it some I mean fruit...not chocolate!!

As for our physical body, when you first start exercising you may feel tight and sore, yes you are going to feel these feelings if you have been living a sedentary lifestyle, this you need to push through. What I am talking about is pain, if you feel actual pain then you need to listen to the warnings and either find a different exercise to perform or seek a professional opinion on what is causing it before you suffer permanent damage.

The most important thing here is listen to your body, it will give you signals that you need to change what you are doing, and if you listen and change your behavior then you can avoid a lot of unwanted circumstances.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Step 3 Assign 12 Chris Powell is a genius

Step 3 Assign 12  Chris Powell is a genius!!

 Have you ever seen the show with Chris Powell, Extreme Makeover, Weightloss Edition? Chris is the fabulous trainer that specializes in extreme cases of obesity, oh yes and he is easy on the! I have always admired the way he saw people for who they were on the inside, he cuts through all the outside layers and draws out the inner strength of people, a strength that people did not even know they had. Not only is he one of the most compassionate, motivating, sexy..oops did I say that...person I have ever seen, he has stumbled onto a secret that every person should use when losing weight.

Now I am going to assure you this is so simple that you will not believe that it will work, but I am living proof it did, I practiced it for one week, which was one of the hardest weeks I have had and I still pulled a 3 pound loss!

Keep in mind I am still on Weight Watchers...and loving every moment of it I am sticking to my points but I have switched it up a bit. Chris says that you should alternate high carb and low carb days. Now, I must clarify here VERY IMPORTANT, when I say high carb, I mean, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, maybe a baked potato, not a cheesecake or a snickers bar! And when I say low carb, I am referring to a protein shake, or lean meats and beans and lots of veggies filled with protein, I am not talking about firing up the grill and eating loads of steak and bacon for supper!

What happens to your body you ask? Very simple, on your higher carb day , you are feeding your body and this kicks your metabolism into high gear. Then the next day is followed by a low carb day which switches your body into fat burning mode! Yes it is actually that simple, high carb, low carb, the science makes perfect sense. I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner because it is essential to have fast metabolism to burn calories and doing this cycle will do that. All week I practiced that method even knowing that my choices were "ok" I honestly was not expecting to lose, I was at best hoping to stay the same. If you look back my last two weigh ins had decreased to 1.4 pounds, this is a sign that your body has gone into starvation mode due to dieting. Changing my behavior to Chris's cycle gave my metabolism the boost it needed to burn fat once again.

Thank you Chris Powell!! Muah!!

High carb day low carb day. I am not talking adkins here, I am talking sensible foods here and if you are on Weight Watchers continue to count your points and I know your will be successful!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Step 3 Assign 11 Hanging on By a Thread

Step 3 Assign 11   Hanging on By a Thread!!

That is exactly what I am doing...hanging on by a thread right now, it is a strong one cause my eye is still on the prize but I am not lying when I say it is tough for me right now. This is when I would have totally cashed in my chips, given up for good. My life has hit a very busy time, a time when there is so much to do that I can barely think. At times like these I would usually make negative choices due to the lack of time and the need to relieve my stress.

My behavior has not been by no means perfect over the last week but I have not reverted back to my old ways which makes me feel very successful. I have not had much time for meal preparation and my exercise routine has been mildly interrupted making me a bit nervous to get on the scale tomorrow. On the other hand I think about all the extra muscles I have been using while building the wall at work and moving my office. Then I think about the food choices I have been faced with and realize that I have been making smarter decisions despite the circumstances. So all in all, I think things will be ok, and if it isn't then I am determined to be ok with it. After all I was the one that told you all that the scale is just a number it is not what defines who we are.   The only thing that had changed since the last time that I told you that is...I really believe it this time...I call that progress!!

When faced with a tough situation don't run the the fridge, pat yourself on the back and make a smart decision, one that will make you feel really good about yourself in the long run.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Step 3 Assign 10 Cutting it in Half

Step 3 Assignment 10 Cutting it in half

I do not order out very often, but yesterday I found myself in a very crazy busy day running in many directions. I started with a fabulous breakfast and then the day started to roll in motion before I knew it, it was 430 and I had not had a chance to eat one more thing! I was at my new office and the smell of the food coming from the kitchen of the next door restaurant was calling my name.

We had planned on taking the kids to a several haunted trails at 530 so I really had no time to cook as my day had not ended because I was still running around! I sent my daughter next door to order a fast to go dinner for the whole family. Now that was the tricky I order a cheeseburger which is exactly what my stomach said "yes with a side of onion rings!!!" or do I order something that I know is better for me? In a split second I decided that the points were not worth using on grease, but now what to order, many of the choices are also full of empty calories.

At that point I decided to take my next favorite choice, a quesadilla and share it with my daughter, accompanied by a side salad. Normally I would have had the cheeseburger and onion rings which would score me 30 points!! Cutting the quesadilla in half and adding a salad kept me at a cool 14 points! I did not feel deprived at all I was very satisfied with the portion and as a matter of fact I am not really sure how I used to eat a whole one in one sitting before!

Next time you order out, don't completely deprive yourself, allow yourself a little wiggle room but at the same time make a smart choice. For instance, add a side salad and share an entree with someone, or ask for a to go box at the beginning of the meal and place half of it in it before you even start eating, this will help you with your portion control. Most entree's are acceptable on the menu if you eat the them in moderation!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Step 3 Assign 9 Your Core

Step 3 Assignment 9 Your Core

People do not realize the importance of the core muscles...these are your stomach muscles. These muscles are so important because they protect your whole body. Yes when they are strong your back is protected, your legs are protected, in a sense your whole body is protected. When people come to me with lower back pain in my practice the first thing I do is give them stretches and directions for strengthening their core.

Your core is like a trees trunk, picture a tree on a windy day, the roots are in the ground and the tree top is flapping around in the breeze without a strong trunk it would just tumble to the ground. We are exactly the same way, that is why when our core is not strong others areas of the body are compromised and can cause injury to low back and legs, ect. So do yourself a favor and work out your core 2-3 times a week, it's like taking out an extra insurance policy on your body:)

I will post some good exercises for this tomorrow.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My opinion On Meal Replacement Shakes

My opinion on Meal Replacement Shakes

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 7:50am
My opinion on Meal Replacement Shakes

Remember the title here ladies...this is MY OPINION!

As you know I have tried every diet under the sun, Adkins, Tops, South Beach, Curves, Slimfast, Green Apple, Gold Gym, and even the blueberry muffin diet, that last one was invented by yours truly. I have always had marginal success, but every time I start to live like a NORMAL human being again, it all disappears.

My topic today is meal replacement shakes, there are many great substitutes for meals out there, but there are also many that make false claims. Many times at first you will see results which is great but that result quickly fades when the reality of life seeps back in. Let's get real here, if we replace every snack and meal except one with a shake, what is the likely hood that you will do this every day for the rest of your life? It is not likely at all, it starts with just a taste or a nibble then before you know it, you are back to "real life".

The point I want to make here have to make changes that will last forever, and I don't know about you but I love to chew food and 2 shakes and a "small sensible meal" will not cut it for the rest of my life! Now I am not saying that when you are in a pinch and can't get a meal that you should NEVER drink one, because I occasionally drink them too, I have a busy lifestyle and it is important not to skip meals as it slows down your metabolism. It is however important to make changes that you will be able to live with for you entire life.

Step 3 Assign 8 Learning to Accept

Step 3 Assignment 8 Learning to Accept

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 6:30am
Step 3 Assignment 8   learning to Accept

I must say not being able to post has been a pain, I write these posts as certain thoughts and different experiences happen. Not being able to share these thoughts have been very frustrating!

The other day I was given a compliment about my weight loss, instead of saying thank you I immediately started picking apart something else on my body and making it a joke!! Why couldn't I just say a simple thank you??

In my life I have always had a problem accepting any kind of compliment. Whatever they compliment me on, I immediately counter with a comment downing myself in another way. Why is that? It is not enough to just stop this behavior and accept the compliment, I feel we must look a little deeper and figure out why this behavior exists.

What I have determined is deserve-ability. So many times we deny ourselves what we deserve because of something that has happened in our past, often feelings of being unwanted as a child or maybe it is something that you did that you are not so proud of and won't let yourself move forward. So how do we move past this?

Forgiveness. Forgiveness, whether it be for another person, or forgiveness for yourself. This sounds so easy but rarely is... right? Some of you will say "They don't deserve forgiveness!" That is when you have to get selfish because releasing these feelings will free you not them. By releasing these feelings you have let go of all that is holding you back and you have opened up your path for healthy relationships from here on out.

Some of you will say "I don't deserve forgiveness!" Now that one is tricky, I suppose you must first try to make amends with whom you have hurt. If that does not work you still must release these feelings and learn from the experience and move forward knowing that you are human and will not repeat these behaviors.

To sum it all up, if we find/give forgiveness our mind will shift into a new place where we are able to believe we deserve greatness and only then will we learn to accept ourselves and the love of others.

Next time someone gives you a compliment, don't spend the next few moments trying to find something wrong with you to counter act that compliment. Simply say thanks, take a deep breath, close your eyes and tell yourself you deserve it and most importantly, you believe it!! My love to you allxoxoxoxo

Step 3 Assig 7 What really happens when you Strength Train

What really happens when you Strength Train Step 3 Assignment 7

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 6:37am
What really happens when you Strength Train...   Step 3 Assignment 7

We know that when we gain muscle it helps protect us from loss in bone density, which is important to help prevent osteoporosis. We also have learned that by gaining muscle we can speed up our metabolism and burn more calories. But how does this all "work".

When you do weight bearing exercise (strength training) on the day of the action you are creating little tares in the muscle... yes...tares. Now that sounds scary right? Well that is the only way the muscle can naturally grow stronger, is to perform weight bearing exercise and be used to it's capacity. When these tares occur it sends a message to the muscle to grow stronger, which is why it is important for bone density protection, the muscle tissues grow stronger holding them onto the bones in a much more forceful way hence protecting it from loss.

The two most important things you can do for your muscles: give them a day of rest in between strength training and stretch after each workout. After the workout day the muscle needs 24 hours to "heal" ,during this period is when it actually gains it's strength. Stretching is also a major component, stretching the muscle after you have worked it allows for more flexibility to occur helping the joints to move more freely as well as allowing the muscle to perform at it's peak during your next workout.


This is a very simple exercise for your lower body, squats, you can do them when you are watching tv. This will work your glutes, quads and hamstrings. These are some of the largest muscle groups in the body, working them out will also protect your back:)

Step 3 Assign 6 Don't freak Out!!

Don't freak Out!! Step 3 Assignment 6

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 6:13am
Don't freak Out!!   Step 3 Assignment 6

Starting strength training is very different then when you start cardio. After the first few weeks people give up because they do not like the numbers on the scale, or they don't like the way it makes them feel super hungry. I am here to tell you..don't give up!

It is very typical to see a slight weight gain or for you to slow down losing for a couple of weeks as your body deals with the adjustment of adding in hard muscle work. Some people think you are gaining more muscle so you gain weight..that is a myth, a pound is a pound..whether it is fat, muscle or is a pound and it all weighs the same...a pound. However a pound of muscle is denser so it takes up less space, so therefore you will see a big difference in the way your clothes fit in just a few short weeks.

Eating...after the initial start of strength training some people will feel as though they are ravished! There is a legitimate reason for this, remember when I said muscle burns more calories than fat? That's why, you are gaining much needed muscle and giving your metabolism a giant kick start at the same time the body is saying "hello!! I am burning all these extra calories...feed me...feed me!!" Yes feed it, but with some healthy choices, don't use this as an excuse to go hog wild because you have burned extra calories.

To sum it all up, if you jump on the scale and all the hard work is not reflected in the first week, don't freak out! Give it 2-3 weeks of consistent effort and you will drop right off, your body is just making adjustments to the changes in activity. Go by the way your clothes feel, this is the best way to judge how you are doing, you may even want to measure yourself. As for the eating, you need to fuel your body but don't overeat as you will be ruining all that you have accomplished.


If you have not started doing your arm exercises, DO THEM! I will also assign some lower body work tomorrow.

Step 3 Assign 5 Internal Dialogue

Internal Dialogue Step 3 Assignment 5

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 7:12am
Internal Dialogue Step 3 Assignment 5

Can you even imagine what your feet would feel like if they were supporting 300 pounds? How much they must hurt as you are pounding them down the pavement when exercising. Well I am here to tell you that it hurts just as much as you can imagine and there is only one way to make yourself continue. Internal Dialogue, these are the words that run through our head. If I kept thinking about how much my feet hurt and how much they were screaming at me to stop then I would just turn around, but as fast as those thoughts seep in, I replace them with positive ones. "Keep going, your feet are perfect! You are in a healthy woman, who has a healthy body! You can do it, why? cause you love yourself and you deserve it!"

The first half mile of the walk I must say all the negative thoughts are surrounding me so when I take notice of them and replace them with my positive ones, the pain goes away within just a few min. Today I caught myself at a slow jog...yes I couldn't believe it myself, I actually starting laughing! After the first few min I completely shifted my though process and moved into a pain free zone.


Have you ever met someone who has told a lie so much that they actually believe it! They have talked themselves into really thinking that it is true...I am going to ask you to do the same. Whether it is with exercise or eating better, whatever is your hard area, when those negative thoughts creep in replace them with positive ones and eventually you will trust they are true.... so they will be!

Step 3 Assign 4 Testing yourself

Testing yourself Step 3 Assignment 4

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 1:35pm
Testing yourself Step 3 Assignment 4

It has been 5 weeks of making big changes in the area of food for me. I have avoided going out to dinner every step of the way because I was not strong enough yet. I know from experience that I have to be in a strong routine before I am able to go out to a restaurant and make good decisions. Up until the other day I hadn't reached that point.

Wednesday I drove my husband to the airport and on the way home my friend and I were very hungry so we decided to stop for dinner. Where did we go? Governors! Hello!! You want to bet I was regretting my decision when I was faced with the biggest peanut butter ball I had ever seen in the dessert case!!As I sat there looking at the menu, I took a moment, what did I really want? What would I feel like on the way home if I ate something really bad? In the end I gave myself permission to eat anything I wanted on the menu with no feelings of guilt attached to my decision, in the end I ordered a BLT with a salad. The unconscious test I had put myself through was over, I had one...right??

Not quite yet...inside my BLT the cooks had put the actual butt end of the core of the lettuce was the round hard disgusting I showed it to the waitress. She made a huge deal out of it...I kept telling her it was not a big deal, just show the cooks. Well she didn't, she showed the manager who immediately came over and offered me ANY DESSERT I wanted for free!! I politely told them I was watching my diet so they said "ok, we will give you two desserts to bring home for people in your home", I said no thanks, what I really wanted to say is..."Hello, Dumb Ass, I just told you that I was on a plan... if that peanut butter ball is in the back seat you will find me stopped on the side of I-95 getting into that container!!" Needless to say I ran out of that restaurant really fast before I changed my mind!

The moral here is listen to your gut, know your limits. Only test yourself when you know you are strong.


Next time you plan to go to a restaurant, if you are feeling weak then pick one that does not offer choices that you just can't seem to refuse. Take the pressure off yourself by allowing yourself to have what you really want, most of the time when you weigh the advantages you will make the healthier choice. And if all else fails, go out the night before weigh in cause you know that you are not going to fall too far off the edge, cause tomorrow you will be very upset!

Step 3 Assign 3 Your age does effect your weightloss!!

Your age does effect your weightloss!! Step 3 Assignment 3

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 6:01am
Your age does effect your Weightloss!! Step 3 Assignment 3

Have you ever heard anyone say that they eat the same as they did in their 20's but are gaining weight in their 30's? They say that their metabolism is stopped! In a sense it kind of has, or it has slowed down dramatically that is.

After the age of 30 women lose 1/2 of a percent of muscle each year. Now remember when I told you that each pound of muscle burns 50 calories at rest...that means...even if you are sitting all day on the couch your muscle will burn 50 calories just to exist, as for a pound of burns zero!

So naturally when a woman is used to eating 2000 calories a day and now she has lost 2 pounds of muscle over a few short years then she can no longer eat 2000 calories a day to maintain the same weight, she has to eat 1900 calories in order to keep the same weight. Most women will just continue to eat in the same patterns, until before they know it they have put on 10, 20 even 30 pounds! All if this from normal muscle loss with the aging process.

How do we fight this you ask? Strength Training, is the key! Integrating only a few days of strength training can help you to gain back the much needed muscle and restore your metabolism. Don't allow the aging process to take your metabolism, fight back with strength training!

Do your arm exercises I showed you!! Email me with any questions you have I would love to help, Nikki!!

Step 3 Assign 2 Starvation Mode!!

Starvation Mode!!! Step 3 Assignment 2

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 7:30am
Starvation Mode!!! Step 3 Assignment 2

The words starvation mode sounds scary...right? Many of us have never really been in danger of starving, I don't believe anyway. When actually, any person who has ever dieted for a period of time has kicked their bodies into starvation mode.

When we diet for more than a couple of days, the body enters into what is called "starvation mode" where it says "holy crap, they are not feeding me so I have to go on a desperate hunt for food" When the body goes on a hunt for it's next meal, it goes straight for the area that contains the most "nutrients" ...your muscle. Yes ladies, I am here to tell you that your body is not going to chose the fat over the is going to take away your muscle first!

As I explained to you yesterday, the muscle burns calories, as for the offers you zero when it comes to calorie burning. So when the body starts feeding off your muscle you will lose weight, but you are also destroying your metabolism, that is why you see chronic dieters who only eat 800 calories a day and they still can not lose weight, they have destroyed their metabolism! The best way to slow this process down is build up and protect your muscle by strength training. Yes cardio helps but any type of weight bearing exercise is key to maintaining your current muscle and adding more so that you will be able to burn more calories.

Try to get your mind wrapped around the fact that strength training is the key to your weight loss. Integrate it into your life for at least one keep your metabolism revved up!!!

Step 3 Assign 1 Stepping it up a Notch

Stepping it up a notch Step 3 Assignment 1

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 5:00am
Stepping it up a notch   Step 3 Assignment 1

We have been working on making exercise a daily routine for about 2 weeks now.  I am not sure about you, but I have integrated it so well that it I make time for it. If my schedule is not going to allow it, then I rearrange it! I don't care if it is 8pm I still get it in!

You should be doing about 30 min of cardio and 10 min of stretching 5 days a week at this point. Now it is time to add my all time favorite in...strength training!!! Oh how I love to strength train!!! There is something about lifting weights that makes me feel invincible:)

A few very important points about strength training:

1. It will increase the amount of calories you burn, why? A pound of fat burns zero calories at rest, a pound of muscle burns 50 at rest! Yes that means that if you add one pound of muscle to your body you have increased your calorie burning capacity by 50 calories, imagine if you added 5 pounds of muscle?? Essentially you have boosted your metabolism! ( you actually can eat more, but stay the same weight, or you could eat less and lose more weight )

2. Strength training helps your body get through the fact that it is forced into "starvation mode" when dieting. (I will explain starvation mode in tomorrows assignment)

3. Every time you strength train you are helping to prevent things like osteoporosis. Strength training is pivotal in the war against bone density. As you get older your muscles naturally start to break down, so muscle mass is lost, but if you strength train on a regular basis it can slow this process. The muscles pull on the bones and then the skeletal system is sent a signal to build stronger, denser bones, protecting you against osteoporosis.

The list could go on and on, I will tell you more about these later but for now lets get you started.

Don't be afraid, most women hear strength training and they picture Arnold Schwarzenegger! On the contrary, you are not going to look all muscled up..unless you want to use steroids that is! Our bodies are predisposed to look a certain way and let's face it, we are women. We naturally don't have rippling muscles and most of us who are reading these posts are not about to spend the 10 hours a day in the gym that it would take for us ladies to get them. So I don't want to hear the excuses of "I don't want to look all muscly" I have heard it before and I am here to tell you that it is only an excuse and I can see right through it!

Next, you don't need to go out and sign up for gym membership, or buy tons of different expensive equipment to get started. You can use something as simple as a can of soup. Anything that is weight bearing will work, another thing that is really great is exercise bands, you can buy them in Walmart for like 10 bucks, or a simple 2-5  pound weight will work. If you are a beginner then start with 1-2 pounds and you will eventually work your way up.


Now you have your weights I am going to give you a simple series of arm exercises, now a couple things to remember are:

1. Never work out the same muscles two days in a row, they need a day of rest in between workouts when strength training.The day of rest is how they build themselves up and make themselves stronger.

2. Always stretch after working out!!!!!

3. Remember to breathe, you need to feed that muscle oxygen so it can perform to it's peak potential. Breathe in on the easy part of the exercise and exhale when you are engaging (the hard part of the exercise) the muscle.

4. Slow movements, and be sure to leave your joints soft. Never hyper extend them. You want them soft at all times and never go to the point where they lock.

5. Protect your back, keep your abs tight the entire time you are performing the action.

These are your assignments
Bicep Curl
Tricep Kickback
Lateral Shoulder Raises

Bicep Curl Here is a link to YouTube with a quick video with some great tips.
Tricep Kickback Here is a link to YouTube
Lateral Raise for Shoulders Here is the link to YouTube

Step 2 Assign 16 That Damn Wagon!!!!

That Damn Wagon!!!! Step 2 Assignment 15

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 5:53pm
That Damn Wagon!!!!  Step 2 Assignment 15

I hate the wagon!! Don't you? That stupid wagon that everyone talks about jumping on and falling off all the time! Yes that is the kind of mood I am in today, the kind that is mad at myself for my behavior. Last night I had a gathering with friends and family, I knew the menu, planned each point carefully with my weight watchers plan, but reverted back to my old habits of over eating in a quick hurry!

I had baked a cake earlier in the day and didn't even lick the beaters or sneak a taste of frosting, only to ruin it all and round out the evening with twice as many points as I had budgeted for. UGH!!

When I woke this morning I felt the usual disappointment and guilty feelings that would normally make me quit. Then I sat back and said...HELLO!! You are human, stop being so hard on yourself and move on! Today is a new day, jump back on the wagon....then it hit me...there is no way to fall off wagon with Weight Watchers! Yes you heard me right... you can not fail! What a breath of fresh air it was to me as I sat down to the computer and entered in all the points that I had consumed. These extra points were taken off the Points Plus allowance that I am allotted each week! That is the best part of the program, they have taken the guilt out of being human, and allowed you a chance to stumble but pick yourself right back up:)

Next time you stumble and feel as though you have fallen off the wagon, realize that you have not fallen off you have merely hit a bump in the road.

Step 2 Assign 15 The Happy Meter

The Happy Meter Step 2 Assignment 15

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 4:10pm
The Happy Meter Step 2 Assignment 14

Have you ever thought of your emotions like a meter? Sometimes it is way at the top, which would be on the happy side and others it is on the bottom, which is our bitchy/unhappy side. What if every day we were to check in with ourselves and gauge exactly where we are on that meter? This way we are bringing into awareness of how we are reacting to life, and knowing this would give us an opportunity to do something about it.

Do you ever feel like you are just in a bad mood, sometimes you are not sure why you just are. Have you ever noticed that you tend to make poor food choices when you feel that way? If so this lesson is for you.

The only way to change this is to do something about it, and yes YOU do something about it. You need to find something that makes you feel joy and do it!


Get up everyday and check your Happy meter! Check in with yourself and if you are not feeling on the upper end of the happy meter then do something about it! Don't continue to wreck everyone's day, find something that will bring up your mood and do it:)

New Years Challenge!!

New Years Challenge!!

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, October 7, 2011 at 10:27am
Now that we are all thinking clearer and moving our bodies more, we are heading straight into the arms of the holiday season!! Oh Shit, yes that is exactly what I am thinking!!

This is the time of year when most people fall off the wagon, with all the family gatherings and all the stress that comes with the holidays it is hard to stay on the right track.

So, I am creating a challenge for you all. From November1-Jan1st you will be competing for a chance to receive a Massage from me! Yes, a Massage from yours truly:) The person with the highest percentage of weight loss from Nov1-Jan1 will win! Be thinking of your strategy ladies!!! Good luck to you all!!!

Step 2 Assign 14 Like Minded People

Like Minded People Step 2 Assignment 14

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, October 7, 2011 at 6:19am
Like Minded People Step 2  Assignment 14

I stopped into Head First Salon yesterday, and there sitting in the chair was one of my dear friends. This person has walked this same journey that we all walk, suffered the same set backs and triumphs that we have. As I sat and chatted to the ladies, I was thinking about how important it is to be around like minded people. It also is important to be around people that you can "tell all" to. These are the people that I can tell, I once ate a whole cheesecake cause I had eaten 4 pieces and was too ashamed to let anyone know I ate 4 pieces, so I had to finish the rest of it off! The ones that understand without judgement and allow you to feel loved unconditionally.

Having like minded people in your presence helps you to realize you can say what is on your mind, you can tell your deep dark stories in a safe place. Every time you do this, it releases a piece of guilt that holds you down. When the guilt has been released, you now have made room for new refreshing feelings of self acceptance and love.

I would first like to thank all of you for being there to listen to all my craziness and let me know that I am not in this alone. I am eternally grateful for all of you and so many in my life who love me unconditionally. For your assignment, tell someone a story, a story that you hold deep inside, one about your weight loss journey that you are sad, ashamed or just unhappy about. You don't have to do it here, just share with someone you know, someone you can feel safe with and I promise you will feel so relieved!  You can inbox me if you want to share with me:) I am a pretty good listener!

Step 2 Assign 13 Don't Deprive Yourself

Don't Deprive Yourself Step 2 Assignment 13

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 7:21am
Don't Deprive Yourself    Step 2 Assignment 13

All too many times we are craving something or really desire something to eat that is not on our plan.
First thing you have to remember, you are human! Second, you are in this for the long haul. Third, your decision to eat 1 piece of brithday cake is not going to make a hill of beans difference 1 year down the road....or is it?

I think it will. The logical thing to do is allow yourself a piece and enjoy it, eat until you are satisfied and if you listen to your mind and body, usually we are satisfied with a very small portion. But no, most of us will deprive ourselves and not allow us to have it...over and over again, until that one day when we allow it and spark our downward spiral. "I can't believe I just did that! I have worked so hard up until this point, now I have frigged it all up!!! I am so mad at myself. Frig it! I have failed! On the way home from the party you pick up a bag of oreo's and a gallon of milk and REALLY ruin everything. Why? All because we did not allow ourselves to just be human.

Another scenario, how about when we are grazing the pantry and what we really want is the chocolate chip cookie that is making your mouth water just looking at it. So instead of eating one cookie and enjoying it, we eat fig newtons, still not satisfied we eat a little pop corn, still not satisfied we have a yogurt, still not satisfied you eat a little frozen yogurt! By the times you are finished you have consumed 1000 unnecessary calories, if you had just eaten the damn cookie you would be satisfied and 800 calories ahead of the game!


Next time you want something, just eat it! Here is the hard part, NO GUILT! If it is that important, then just eat it, if you don't then you will feel deprived and that is a recipe for disaster!

Pros and Cons of Weight Watchers (5 days in the program)

Pros and Cons of Weight Watchers (5 days in the program)

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:16pm
I am only 5 days into the Weight Watchers program and this is my official report, keep in mind I signed up for the online version.

I love love that almost all your fruits and veggies are free foods! they have zero points, this way you instinctively go grab them over another snack cause they are free. If you are going to spend your points then you don't want to spend them on veggies!! So I find myself snacking on veggies and fruit cause it is free and then by the times it would be time for something that requires points I have lost the craving.

I really enjoy the points tracker online. The feature is very easy to use and keeps my right in line with where I should be for the day.

I love having no foods that are off limits! Every food is on the list you just have to count it, Even RUM!!

I don not like the app download for the phone. I have been using the fitness pal which is AMAZING!! They also have the fitness pal online that synchronizes with your phone app. The technology is out there Weight Watchers really need to invest in upgrading this area because they are way behind the times. I think there would be more success for their online users if they added a better app for their phone. I talked with a rep that said that the failure rate was quite high with the online feature compared to the actual meetings.

That's all I have to report for now, we will see what the scale says on Thursday!!

Step 2 Assign 12 Healing your Body

Healing Your Body Step 2 Assignment 12

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 7:03pm
Healing your Body Step 2 Assignment 12

Just a couple of months ago I was sitting in the Dr. office as he spoke words that I will never forget. This conversation prompted me to devote the next 365 days to healing my body and starting this Facebook page. I had been suffering from uncontrollable heartburn and after putting a scope down my throat he said that I had a hiatal hernia that he refused to repair because of my weight.

He gave me two choices, either be on medication every day for the rest of my life or have gastric bypass, this would be the only way that he could control the reflux, because of my weight I would just blow out the hernia if he tried to repair it.  At that moment I felt so defeated, how had I allowed myself to get here? It took me a minute to let it all sink in but as it did, I immediately made my decision. I told him that I would be back in 6 months for a check up and I would NOT need surgery and I would NOT need medication.

When I went to see him I was taking 2000 mg a day of reflux medicine, this is 1500 more than was prescribed to me! Two months later I am taking nothing, I haven't had to take any medicine in 5 days! Due to my diet changes and the fact that my "muffin top" is decreasing, the hernia is not bothering me!

What I want to stress here is we all have the ability to heal our bodies, it is whether we choose to take the steps to do so. I urge you to not let your health issues get out of control, go to the Dr. and get a baseline of where you are at, so you know what changes need to be made. If we ignore our bodies they will talk to us louder and louder until we are forced to listen.

Go get a check up and get a baseline of where you are. If you already know then start to make the changes you need that will bring you toward a healthy you. Remember one step at a time is the way to ever lasting success, don't try to do it all at once. Love your body it is the only one you got!!

Finding My Groove

Finding my Groove

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 7:50pm
After a very rocky couple of weeks, I seemed to hold it together and I am so happy and grateful that when life got in the way and I wanted to quit, I did not. I used to have one little challenge and I would crumble like a Jenga game, but not this time, I was committed and kept going. Now I have made my meal preparation and healthy eating top priority and I have adapted exercise into my lifestyle like I did brushing my teeth. I actually found myself really pissy today that I couldn't get an extra mile in because I had to work! Normally, I would be wandering in and out of the pantry and grazing the fridge looking for something to distract me from doing the much dreaded exercise.

Because I first figured out the reason why I ate, then fixed what I ate I was able to move into a space where no excuses were allowed. After 2 weeks of continual exercise, it is now officially part of my lifestyle and I have to say I FEEL GREAT!

Thank you all my lovely friends for your love and support during this journey, you all are an inspiration to me and I am eternally grateful.

Step 2 Assign 11 Lower Body Stretches

Lower Body Stretches Step 2 Assignment 11

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 7:36pm
Lower body stretches

Lower body stretches are very important when you are performing cardio like we are. Most cardio involves using the lower body with great intensity, so these muscles must be stretched out at the end of the workout so they are in top condition for the next workout. Here are a few lower body stretches that you can do after your are finished, remember: never stretch until it hurts, stretching should feel good and hold each pose for 20-30 seconds and don't bounce, just hold the stretch static.


If you are not doing your 10 min of cardio.....then DO IT!! It is very good for you, and you deserve to have a healthy body, and if you are doing it then be sure to do these stretches after:)

Step 2 Assign 10 Do your Research

Do Your Research Step 2 Assignment 10

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Sunday, October 2, 2011 at 12:01pm
Do your research Step 2 Assignment 10

When you are going out to spend the evening with friends you will want to be prepared. Every time we step out of our regular routine we run the risk of stepping off our plan. For example, if you are having dinner with friends it is perfectly acceptable to call and ask what the menu consists of, or if you don't want to do that, you can simply bring a "safe" dish with you. Something that you know will be safe for you to eat without too much damage to your food plan.

Remember it's not rude to care about yourself and your choices, by doing this you are proving to yourself that you are worth it. Not to mention others will also be more prone to adopt your behaviors when you are around, making you a good influence.


Next time you plan on going to a function, either bring a 'safe' food dish with you or call ahead to scope out the menu so you are prepared.

Just Signed up for Weight Watchers online!!

Just signed up for Weight Watchers online. I have done every diet under the sun and always have marginal success, until I let life get in the way...or emotions should I say! But this program seems pretty easy to use, I like the idea that every food is available to me, I just need to count it! I will let you know how it goes:)

Step 2 Assign 9 Stretching!!!

Stretching!!!! Step 2 Assignment 9

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, September 30, 2011 at 9:21am
Stretching!!! Step 2 Assignment9

Stretching is one of the most important parts of a workout, it is also one of the most overlooked aspect of a workout. With today's busy lifestyle, we often opt out of a stretching session at the end of a work out because we have some where better to be, right? How many times has this happened to you? I know it has happened to me all to many times, until I started do massage that is.

As I started building my practice I realized just how important stretching was, I would see people who were in pain every day, many of which could have been prevented if they would have just incorporate a little stretching into their daily routine. That is one of the major components of my massage practice, I teach my clients how to prevent injury with proper daily stretches. Here are a couple of things that we should remember about stretching:

1. You don't need to stretch only after a workout, you can take 10 min throughout your day and stretch areas that feel tight. This will help to keep your muscles loose so you can perform your daily activities pain free. Example, if I did not take 5 min to stretch my fingers, hands, neck and shoulders during a massage day I would not be able to move at the end of the day, and the same goes for people who work at a desk, they need to stretch their neck, shoulders, legs and back.

2. Stretching after a work out helps with post workout soreness.

3. Stretching increases your flexibility and helps your joints move more freely. Have you ever heard the expression "move or you'll lose it" for example, people with arthritis need to move and stretch, this is extremely important to keep moving because once you start you will feel much better.

4. You should hold a stretch for 20- 30 seconds.

5. Do not bounce your muscles back and forth when you stretch, if you are trying to get a deeper stretch then follow these instructions: Begin your stretch, only going to a point that "feels good" (remember stretching NEVER should hurt!) Once you reach the "feel good" range take a deep breath in and exhale and on the exhale you can go a little deeper into the stretch, all while being careful to not go past the point of "hurting."

6. Feed the muscles plenty of oxygen during stretching. You need to breath, not only will this relax you, it feeds the muscle much needed increased blood flow to help you stretch the muscle much more effectively.

7. The muscle performs better during exercise when it has been stretched properly.

Now there is a long standing debate of when to stretch, before or after your workout. I agree with the majority of exercise professionals that believe that you need a brief warm up period prior to workout. Just a brief walking period can accomplish this, not only does it warm up the muscles but it helps to bring the heart rate up at a slow pace. We don't need to go from 0-60 in 6 seconds! That is not good for muscles, working a cold muscle can increase the chance of injury. As for after your workout, a much more regimented period is recommended, a minimum of 10 min after each workout to be exact.

Now that we have adapted 10 min of cardio 5 days a week, it is time to add in 10 min of stretching. During each work out you should be warming up for a few minutes, then bringing your heart rate up to 60-80% (this info is in Step 2 Assignment 3)  Then cool down (slowing down your movements)for a few minutes and ending with a minimum of 10min of stretching. I will post some popular stretches this weekend. Happy Friday Ladies!!

Step 2 Assign 8 What time of Day do you Eat??

What time of Day do you Eat?? Step 2 Assignment 8

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 10:41am
What time of day do you eat?

This can make a huge impact on what the scale says! This week for instance, I was pretty good with the exception of what time of day I have been eating. I have increased my cardio time from 10 to 20 min a day, everyday, not just 5 days a week like I had assigned. It has made me feel refreshed and my dog Max is holding me accountable because he loves his walks.

So my food intake is good, my exercise has increased, so what is happening for me to only lose 1 pound? My eating habits have changed, because of the hours I have been working this week it has effected the weight loss. Every day I get up have a nice breakfast, this is the most important meal of the day, that is what "they" say and it is absolutely true. It revs up our metabolism and kicks it into gear enabling us to have energy and start burning calories. Then I take my walk, really giving it a jump start. Head to work, get a few nibbles of something healthy during the day, but not enough to sustain the amount of calories I am burning, because with every massage I burn 250 calories. Not eating a "lunch" per say because of not having enough time, working my body this way depletes me of all my energy.

Luckily I was a little smart in my preparations, because before I leave in the  morning I have already made dinner, with fresh veggies cut up for salad as well.  When I arrive at home ravished, it makes it easier to stick to the plan because I have prepared ahead of time. However, it is 830-9 pm before I am eating! Then it is straight to bed for me, all while I am sleeping that food is just sitting there like a lump, with no activity it does not digest properly and it practically falls straight to my hips and that is where it stays! It is not a wise use of calories to say the least. When I need the calories I am starving my body but when I don't need the calories (sleeping hours) I am pounding them down my throat!

Figuring out a healthy way to organize your meal time can be tricky with all our crazy schedules, but there is one rule of thumb that always works beautifully, Don't eat 2 hours before you go to bed. That is one of the major keys to weight loss.


Stop eating at least 2 hours before you go to bed, just that simple! I am very guilty of this so I will adjust my life so I can adapt this new rule and I hope you do the same, I guarantee you will see a difference. And I will prove it to you on next week's scale!! Till then! xxoxoxoxo

Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers Challenge Step 2 Assign 7

Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers Challenge Step 2 Assignment 7

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 6:29am
I am not sure if you have heard but Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers is holding a weight loss challenge! Oh how I love competition!! Usually when you are in a competition, one person goes home with a victory and the other nothing, not in this challenge! One person could win a million dollars and every other person will go home with a healthier body, how is this not a win win situation?

In his challenge you will touch on 7 major keys to a healthier you, he has partnered with Weight Watchers to help people in this journey, keep in mind you do not have to become a member to win. The challenge touches on several different areas, they want you to tell a friend, contact your dr. to find out what your scores are (cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure), get an official weigh in with Weight Watchers to get your BMI (this is free), learn family healthy history, get more sleep, assess your stress and start new fitness plan.

All these things are very simple steps and many of them we are already working towards with my program too. To be eligible to win you have to lose 10% of your body weight or lower your BMI to a healthy range before April. The only catch is, you have to be weighed in at the beginning of your process and at the end at a participating Weight Watchers location, the nearest location is Dover, NH. Apparently there are no locations in Maine that participate. Also the sooner you weigh in the better your chances are to meet your goal, simply because you will have the most time to reach it. They are NOT looking for the person who has lost the most weight, the viewing audience will vote for finalists that have empowering stories along the way, so anyone can be part of this, so tell everyone you know:)

The best part I have found about this is the site that you log into, Sharecare! I LOVE LOVE this site! I am so excited about it's resources! Can you tell? They have areas that are tailored to fit you according the survey they ask you to take in the beginning, but they also have a search engine where you can put any diet/exercise question into and it will pop up answers from professionals, what a wonderful resource to have! You have got to check it out!

Some people have no problem finding motivation to work out and eat better and some of us need an incentive dangling in front of our face to keep us motivated. Keep your eye on the prize sort of thing, by participating in this program you have that prize dangling in front of you, even if you don't win the million in the end you have still won a prize, a healthier you!


Sign up for this competition! What do you have to lose? Oh yeah...weight, awareness of your health all the things you have wanted for a long time. What do you have to gain? A healthier, more satisfied you. If you don't want to compete that is ok but I still want you to sign up and log in so you have access to this wonderful site, it can answer so many questions you have. I will post the site for you to click on

If anyone is interested in going to Dover, NH to get weighed in, I am going! It is going to be a one day down and back trip, sort of a girls road trip so if you want to go let me know and we could all ride together, it would be fun!

Step 2 Assign 6 Loving your body Unconditionally

Loving Your Body Unconditionally Step 2 Assignment 6

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 5:38am
Loving your body unconditionally
Some of us are at a stage in this journey where we completely hate our appearance and some are already at a place where we are stepping into an unfamiliar place of acceptance. I have been on both ends of the pendulum and once again I find myself swinging toward the nonacceptance side. The first thing to remember is, you will never be where you are right here right now, this is your starting point in your journey and in order to really appreciate where you finish,  you must first really take notice of where you started.

This journey is different for many, the feelings you will hold about your appearance can be very confusing. For example, last time I lost my weight, I would instinctively go to the higher sizes and bring them to the dressing room try to put them on and they would just fall off, that should've been a great feeling right? It was to a degree, the problem was I never saw myself, never truly saw where I was at that point, I spent all my time thinking that I was still 300 pounds, or daydreaming about what I would look like at my goal weight. Never once did I take a moment to see where I was at that moment, I spent every day looking ahead or behind me, not once did I ever look "at" where I was at that moment.

It is wonderful to have dreams and goals, but if they are not put into motion in the present moment we will never reach them. Being present and accepting where you are at this moment is the a major component to success, the other is self love. We model how people should treat us, so we must first show ourselves love, so others will do the same.

This is one of the HARDEST things I will ever ask you to do! Pick a time when you are all alone and I want you to close the blinds and curtains so your neighbors can't see... and strip down! Yes! That is what I said! I want you to be totally accepting of your physical body, march yourself through the house stark raving naked! At first this will be kind of hard, you will want to hide behind the couch, but after a few times of doing this you will notice that you are walking a little taller with your head up high. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, a long accepting look, and yes we all have flaws, but love them and know that they are "yours to love".

I will say that I usually put on one of my pretty Lane Bryant bra's and panties and "strut my stuff!" I feel pretty when I wear them and it's not quite so shocking when my teenagers come out of their bedrooms and see mom doing the dishes at 6 am in the buff! lol!  I am determined to get it right this time no matter what it takes, self love and acceptance were two major components I missed last time, so they are top priority this time. Have a great day ladies! xoxoxoxoxo
My pretty "little" bra from Lane Bryant. Indulge and buy yourself some underclothes that just make you feel pretty when doing your assignment, or just go naked, whatever works for you!!

Step 2 Assign 5 Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals Step 2 Assignment 5

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Monday, September 26, 2011 at 6:30am
Vitamins and Minerals     Step 2 Assignment    5

Now that we are cutting back on our calories there is one concern I have, nutrients. Anytime you have a deficit in calories which you have to do in order to lose weight, you automatically have a decrease in vitamins and nutrients that enter your body. Our bodies require a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy body and without these we put ourselves at risk for sickness and disease.

When your body is not on it’s “A” game, it’s defenses are down and your immune system is not working properly.  I realize some of you are eating way more healthy then you were when you started, so in essence you are probably even healthier, but for those of you who naturally eat healthy and are concentrating on cutting back your portions, you too are still at risk for a lack of nutrients in your diet.  For instance the body can get all of its daily required vitamins from food , that is the way nature intended it, but with the soil being used and reused It has lost its nutritional value which decreases the amount of vitamins and minerals each fruit and veggie processes. So if you are dieting, or not dieting, you still need a good multivitamin as it is practically impossible to get all your vitamins and minerals through your daily diet.

The next question is which vitamin is better a liquid or capsule? There are proven facts that liquids absorb into the system faster, but in my opinion either is fine as long as you are taking one of them.  I have read many different studies, some claim it is more beneficial some say it is not, personally if you are taking any, you are already one step ahead in my opinion. And any extra step we take toward a healthy lifestyle is a good step.

Go out and buy yourself a multivitamin, if you already have one then great, go buy a bottle for someone you love and tell them the importance of taking one a day!

Step 2 Assign 4 Sabotage!!

Sabotage! Step 2 Assignment 4

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 10:41am
Sabotage!!   Step 2 Assignment 4

Your whole family should be getting used to the changes you have made in the diet, and now that we are trying to make exercise a daily habit, things are bound to pop up and get in your the people you live with. I recently took a walk with a good friend of mine. She has also decided to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle, new way of eating and adding in the exercise has made her feel great, with the exception of the "man" of the house that is. When she asks him to walk with her, he simply replies no every time. Keep in mind he needs this wayyyy more than she does, so she has become very irritated with him, and has told him if he doesn't work out with her then he is "cut off"...yes ladies...that means sex! This may be a decision that saves his life cause I am sure he will start walking with her!! lol!

My point is, there are people in our lives that we count on to support and help us when we make major change,  we believe we need their support to be successful. So if they won't exercise with us, or support our new lifestyle change, then we will be more apt to throw in the towel.

I am here to tell you probably one of the most important things I will ever tell you... you don't need them! These changes are for you, and whatever you do, your family will follow suit. Trust me on this, when they see how good you feel and all the positive changes in you then they will want a piece of it, it is infectious! If we push them they will never do what we want, they will go in the opposite direction, just like a teenager. And does it really matter because you are doing this for you, how often do you put yourself before everyone else?

I am a parent and know that the best thing I can do for my children is model the type of behavior that I want for them, because just talking it will never work. (especially during the teenage years cause they really don't want to listen to me breathe let along talk!!)So if I love and respect myself enough to make changes toward my health, then they will grow up in life loving and respecting themselves.

So the next time your work out buddy/family member says, no I can't go today or no I really don't feel like it today, don't let them sabotage your progress, put on your shoes and you go anyway. All while you are working out I want you to remember that you made a conscious choice to put yourself first, why? Because you DESERVE it!!

Step 2 Assign 3 Your Target Zone

Your target zone Step 2 Assignment 3

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 8:26am
In step 1 we counted calories and cut portions, now in step 2 we are going to get our cardio on! The first thing I want to talk about is your target heart rate. Target heart rate is the intensity in which you exercise that will provide you with maximum calorie burn, and that is what we want to do is burn calories! If you exercise at your target heart rate for 30 min you will burn more calories than working out for 45 min in a range that is below your target heart rate. Hello!! I don't know about you but I would rather work out for less time and receive higher benefits!! That is why we do cardio, cardio is our heart's insurance policy. The heart is a muscle just like any other muscle in the body and it needs to be worked, so when you are doing cardio it is just like lifting weights for the heart.

I will be up front with you, I love to exercise but I am not a fan of cardio, I know a lot about it and know what I am suppose to do, but I still hate it! I am a weight training type of gal;) So here is the low down on my least favorite type of exercise.

The target heart rate chart is very important, it gives you a baseline of where you are suppose to be, but what is even more important is the connection that you feel with your body. Even though the chart says you are suppose to be at 133 bpm, if you feel dizzy and light headed at 125, then listen to your body. No chart in the world can give you advice on how you feel so it is extremely important to listen to your body's signals.

As for the chart each chart is different, so the most important thing you need to know is where to find your pulse and how to take it. See below.

Radial Pulse (Courtesy of
Step 1
Turn your left hand palm-side up, then place the first two fingers of your right hand along the outer edge of your left wrist just below where your wrist and thumb meet.

Step 2
Slide your fingers toward the center of your wrist. You should feel the pulse between the wrist bone and the tendon.

Step 3
Press down with our fingers until you feel your pulse. Do not press too hard, or you will not be able to feel the pulsation. Feel free to move your fingers until the pulse is easiest to feel.

Step 4
Continue to feel your pulse for a full minute.

Carotid Pulse  (Courtesy of  
Step 1 Using your middle (long) and index (pointer) fingers, gently feel the carotid artery on either side of your neck.
Do not press down on both arteries at the same time.
Step 2 You will feel the carotid pulse beating when you find it. Do not use your thumb to take the pulse because it has a pulse of its own.

Now that you know how to check your pulse I will explain why it is so important to exercise in your target zone. When exercising the optimal zone in which your rate should be is 60-80%. This rate puts you at a maximum level to burn calories and is giving the heart a great workout. Anything below is ok, it is always good to just move, but if you want to really burn calories and work your heart, this level is optimal for results.

Now lets talk about the other end of the spectrum, under 60%, you may have to start there and work up to your zone if you haven't been active for a while, don't get discouraged, just know that every time you work out you are getting closer. You must listen to your body, it will tell you if you have gone too far, and if you reach that point don't just stop...slow down your activity to where you are comfortable. With people who have certain health risks, their DR. will start them out at a lower rate. For example, some people who take high blood pressure meds rarely get an accurate reading because of the meds doing their job that is why it is important to consult with your physician before starting any type of exercise routine.

The other end of the spectrum, 85% and over. Dr's don't recommend working out at this high rate as it offers cardiac and orthopedic risks.

Below are two different charts. The first one is based on the number of beats taken in a 10 second period (which is easier to do when working out) The second one is based on the number of beats taken in a one minute period. Both show you the 60-80% range for your age.

You don't have to like, you don't have to love it! You just have to suck it up buttercup and do it! Anytime anyone wants to come over and do some cardio with me I am game I need the kick in the ass!

You should be committed to 10 min of exercise 5 days a week at this point. It is very hard to warm up, cool down and hit your target heart rate in 10 min, so just concentrate on your ten min a day and use the charts to find out what your range is and practice taking your pulse 2 times a day so when it is time you will be ready!

Step 2 Assign 2 No Excuses!!

No excuses!!!! Step 2 Assignment 2

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 1:14pm
I am not the type of person to go around talking about my worries and bring everyone else into my drama, so I haven't mentioned anything about what has been going on in my life over the last week. But I have learned a good lesson so I must share.

Apparently, when I get stressed I tend to eat...this week has been a very stressful week. My step dad has been in afib (irregular heart rate) for a while now. This week we were notified that he would undergo a procedure where they would shock his heart in an attempt to get it into the right rhythm, if is successful he would not have to have a pacemaker. I always try to be there when family calls for help and support, so I cleared my schedule which meant I would put 4 days of massages into 2. Exhausted and worried I went through my week with every opportunity to fall flat on my ass with dieting. I had little time for meal preparation with working long hours and several trips to the hospital, but I made the time. It meant getting up a little earlier and stopping at a subway instead of a drive thru but I made it through the week with a loss, oh yes it was a PMS week too!

It just goes to show you that when you focus on what is at hand and make yourself a priority, regardless of what is going on in your life you will prevail. Normally a week such as this would have been the demise of my dieting, I would have stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way and ate a whole box of munchkins on the way home, but I didn't this time I dealt with the stress instead and am very happy to report that Rick's procedure was completely successful and he is going to be just fine:) Thanks you God!!

Now on the other side of the coin, say I had made different choices and I had a gained 2 pounds this week, that would also been the demise of my new found way of living. I would have literally given up because of two pounds, I know myself and know that, a two pound gain would have been followed by 10 more in the next month! So i guess what I am trying to say is when we fall, we can't get discouraged because that 2-3 pounds can be taken right off, that is not our real problem. The real problem we have is what we decide to do at that point, do we throw in the towel and say screw it? Hell no! We start fresh, with not making excuses for our behavior (unless it is PMS week that is) and we follow that up with forgiveness. We need to forgive ourselves and move on!

Next time you are faced with obstacles if you fall just pick yourself up and dust yourself off, you will be a huge step ahead of the game, forgiveness is hard but it is so liberating!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Step 2 Assign 1 I like to Move it Move it!!

I like to move it, move it!! Step 2 Assignment 1

by Weight Loss Nikki Style on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 6:14am
I like to move it, move it!!  Step 2 Assignment 1

Studies show that it takes an average of 3 weeks of repetitious behavior to make something become a habit. I realize that we are only beginning week 3 but I think we are ready to move on because we don't want to run the risk of getting too comfortable right where we are at.

We have spent the last two weeks learning why, when and how much we eat. We have also been working on our calorie intake. Now it is time to jump start that metabolism with a little exercise. The biggest reason why people fail fitness programs is because they start out doing activities that are too strenuous with long time commitments.

Let's face it people we are all very busy, but not too busy that we can't fit in 10 minutes. Yes just 10 minutes a day can really make a difference in your life and your waist size. When you work out you release endorphins, which is like a drug to the body...a good drug though! They make you crave more exercise and when you are exercising you are more likely to make better food choices because you don't want to ruin all that you have accomplished.


10 min of cardio 5 days a week for the next week. When I say cardio I mean aerobic activity type of exercise, walking, running, swimming, aerobics anything that makes your heart pump. I will talk more later this week about what type of intensity you should be doing but for now just commit to yourself that you will do 10 min, 5 days a week.

For some this may be easier in the morning and some in the evening, it makes no difference when you do it as long as you get it done. For me I am better to do it first thing in the AM,  some days it means getting up that much earlier, which sucks... but if I don't then I will never fit it in later. What we want to do is make it part of your routine so there are no excuses, it is just like brushing your teeth:)