
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Step 4 The first Phase of Success/ Failure

Step 4 The first Phase of Success/Failure

I have a good friend that has been telling me for a few weeks now that I needed to post an up to date photo because you could really see the difference from the weight loss. I just kept avoiding her requests, I was subconsciously avoiding doing this and not knowing why. Also I found myself in a similar situation the other day twice in the same day...I had seen people that I had not seen in a while and they immediatly commented on how good I looked. Feeling very uncomfortable I immediatly shifted the conversation back to a topic about them. After the second time doing that in one day I thought to myself "hello Nikki, you need to learn how to take a compliment".

So I immediately went to facebook and posted a new pic of me. as I was posing for the camera I was so proud and feeling wonderful, but after I posted the picture and the comments started to roll in, I just wanted to take it down. It was bothering me to have all this positive attention thrown my way. I spent the next two days literally trying to sabotage my own success, everything I had worked for so hard I was trying to undo just because I didn't like the attention it was causing. At that moment I took a step back and said this is way deeper that just simply learning how to take a compliment, I must explore. This is what I came up with...

I have now realized that it all goes back to the basics we have already talked about, Loving yourself enough, and your ability to realize you deserve it.

I know we all have our own background story, some have been abused, some have suffered physical limitations, some have suffered psychological damage, it could also be bad choices that you made in the past. I am here to tell you that whatever it is that makes you think that you are not worth it, is only holding you back. It is in the past and so long as you continue to live in the past and play the victim then your life will model that role, doomed to repeat those feelings and situations over and over.

Simply let go of being the victim, I realize that some of the things that have happened are beyond your control but the way you choose to react to them is not. I give you permission to step up and claim the life you deserve, leave whatever it is in your past behind and move into a new space, the same space you hold unconditional love and understanding for others, give it to yourself just as effortlessly as you would someone else. Why you ask? Because you Deserve it!

My love to you all and have a very Merry Christmas!!


  1. So glad we had the chance to meet & be friends. You rock! Merry Christmas Nikki!!
