
Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Mind and Body Connection

The Mind and Body Connection

In my work as a Massage Therapist one of the most important things I do is teach my clients about the undeniable connection between the mind and body. Our bodies model exactly what our mind sees and feels. For example if your mind is saying "oh I am so sore and I hurt all over" then guess what, your body exhibits that behavior. Another example...Have you ever met a hypochondriac? You know that they "have" every ailment that you have, right? Whether it is a hangnail or a heart attack, they have it and it is wayyy worse that yours! The real problem lies is the fact that they keep manifesting these diseases in their mind, eventually the body catches up and believes what the mind is putting out there and becomes sick!

Remember when I wrote in my blog a few months ago about how I talk to myself when I walk? I tell myself how amazing I am, and how my feet and legs are so strong and yes I can keep going..even when I just want to give in.  These conversations transfer directly from my mind to my body and I have recently found myself in a whole different realm during my exercise routines. Not only have I beat all my personal records, but as I am working out I find myself in a space where I know and believe that I can accomplish anything. During that moment something inside opens up, it is as if I have tapped into a form of greatness that I have seen in the eyes of others but always longed for in myself. That exact time and space, I want to capture in my every day life experiences, not only on the treadmill. I will find it I am sure, but for now I will keep running with my feet while keeping my mind wide open to the possibility that greatness is out there for me to grab;)

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