
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why I did not Weigh In

Why I did not Weigh In 

When I started this 365 day journey I had one goal in sight, to learn to love myself enough to make the best choices for my body. A well known author Geneene Roth, believes that you should NEVER diet, it only makes you feel worse about yourself. She also teaches that if we love ourselves enough then we will make choices that are conducive to a healthy lifestyle leading us to our natural body weight. To sum it all up, it is finding that space inside that holds your unconditional love for yourself.

That is my goal, to find that place where I don't need the rigid perimeters of a structured diet or the ever looming date with the scales on every Thursday to keep me in line. I want to love and respect myself enough so that my healthy choices are not something I have to talk myself into but they become a natural way of life. Which brings me to why I did not get on the scales this Thursday, no it was not because I gained! It was because I am feeling strong enough to start weening myself off these crutches. I feel as though I am stepping into a new space where I am treating myself better because for the first time I believe that I deserve better.

Now, I am not saying that it is going to be easy because let me tell you, it is pretty easy to say no to a piece of chocolate cake when you know that you are stepping on the scales the very next day and broadcasting the picture on the world wide web! Let me tell you nothing says "don't eat the friggin cake!!" then knowing people are watching you. But the fact of the matter is, this journey is really about the relationship I have with myself and not all my readers.(don't get me wrong I LOVE you all!!) But If I don't repair my self worth and find self love then when my 365 day journey is over with you all, I will just fall back once again because I have been using you as my accountability meters. It is time to stand on my own two feet and show myself that I am worth making these decisions without having to be forced to do it.

So you are probably wondering what my plan is...I am planning on weighing in every other week for a while until I am strong enough to weigh in once a month, until one day I will throw out my scales forever! By the end of these 365 days it is my plan to live my life without walls, no diets, no scales just self love and that is what will bring me to my body's true healthy weight.

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