
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Step 4 Moving into a New Space

Step 4 Moving into a New Space

Over the last 13 weeks I feel as though I have moved into a new space, not just with my physical body but most importantly with my mental status. I remember just a few short weeks ago as I would workout, my feet and legs hurt so bad, with every step I just wanted to stop but my mind kept me going with the thoughts of where I would soon be. In my mind I felt like I could just take off running but my physical body just did not allow that to happen, every time I worked out there was a sense of disappointment that would surface because of the limitations I was faced with. I quickly had to push those thoughts aside and keep telling myself that this soon would pass and my physical body would catch up to the body that I envisioned in my mind, the body that I knew was there.

I realize I have only lost 30 pounds, but I am telling you I feel as though I am walking with a new set of legs. I am running on the treadmill for goodness sakes! There is an amazing feeling when your body catches up to your mind, a feeling that is indescribable!

Now for my mind, I am not going to sit here and tell you that every day is filled with joy because I have mysteriously solved my emotional eating issue, and it has vanished with each pound lost, because that would just be a lie. I still struggle with this at times, but there is a few differences 1. I acknowledge my behavior  2. I fix the problem rather than drown it in food  3. Most importantly, when I am faced with one of these moments I make better choices because I believe that I deserve a better life;)

“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there.”
Zig Ziglar


  1. "I realize I have only lost 30 pounds"..... I'd like to see you change that sentence to....
    I HAVE LOST 30 POUNDS!!!!!!!! woo hoo. you go girl!

  2. Yes you are so right! I should change that, i will start with setting my mind right;) xoxoxo!!
