
Monday, December 12, 2011

Step 4 Vision Board

Step 4 Vision Board

How often do you take off on a trip without some idea where you are going? And if we did then how would we know that we were "there" when we had not predetermined any sort of destination?

If there is one thing in life I have learned, is that without some sort of idea where we are going then we tend to just flounder around aimlessly never getting very far from where we started. A few years ago I heard of something called a vision board, this board serves as your road map for where you want to be in your life. This tool works hand in hand with the theory of the Law of Attraction. If you are not farmiliar with the Law of Attraction it goes a little like this; What you believe you will receive. Yes just that simple! If you believe you are a fat pig that can't get out of your way then guess are a fat pig that can't get out of your way! On the other hand if you believe that you are a fit, strong athlete than you are one! Whatever your personal truth is, is what you will become.

How many times in your life have you thought a certain thought about yourself and it came true? Mostly we remember all the bad things like.."I am fat" or "I can't do that". I am here to tell you that whatever your mind believes becomes your personal truth. So change that inner dialogue to what you want for yourself and you will begin to shift into a different place where those dreams become reality.

For years I pictured myself being a runner, but I always said "I can't do that cause my breath won't allow me to do it" or "My boobs are way to huge, and it hurts to run". For quite some time I have had thoughts and pictures of me running in my head, I have even had dreams where I saw myself running. And now I find myself running, yes all 270 pounds! I am here to tell you whatever you believe you will receive, no matter how big or small or good or bad it is!

One way of bringing these thoughts into reality is creating a vision board, I have had a vision board hanging in my bedroom for years. It changes as what I want out of life changes. Whatever it is I want to focus on I paste it on the board and place it on the wall so I can stare at it a few min before I go to bed and it is the first thing I see when I wake up. The most important thing I do is put out the feelings of already being in that moment of time where I have reached my goal. If you picture yourself at the finish line and feel the feelings that you will feel at that moment you are drawing them to you with the laws of attraction.

Whether you believe in the law of attraction really makes no difference, what do you have to lose by picturing yourself where it is you want be in the end. Putting these feelings out in the universe can do you no harm I assure you! The more you feel them the more you crave them and that feeling is the fuel that pushes you closer to your goal.

Tips on how to make you vision board:

1. Go get a bunch of old magazines you love to read and look at. As you turn the pages cut out what catches your eye, Pictures, Words, whatever jumps out at you. Once you have a bunch of things cut out start pasting them on the paper. Start in the middle, put your ultimate goal in the middle and surround it with the thoughts and feelings that will help you to reach this ultimate goal.

Now this vision board is not to share, unless you want to share. Allowing others to look deep into our dreams and goals sometimes is not a good thing. Other people tend to be a tad bit pessimistic and if we are not careful then we will give them the power to plant the seed of doubt in our mind. By allowing this to happen we are putting our goal much further away. Remember YOU are the one who has to believe, some of the greatest people in history were terrific dreamers and they did not accomplish great things by letting the opinion of others stop them. So keep this vision to yourself until you have a strong sense of it becoming your reality. I will share my vision board with you as it does not matter what anyone says because it is my current reality and no one can take that away:)

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