
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Step 4 Staying focused During the Holidays Season!

Step 4 Staying focused During the Holidays Season!

No matter where you are on your journey, whether it has just begun or you are 6 months into it, when the holidays come around the corner it is very easy to find yourself back to square one. No worries, cause there are a few keys you can follow to help keep your eye on the prize during this difficult time of year. The very first thing you MUST do is not let your anxiety hit at the thought of the Holidays...we tend to sit and think about all the goodies that will be put in front of us, and all that we will be deprived of because of our diet...and these thoughts cause tons of anxiety! And this is before the season even starts.

The second thing is...any way you slice it, you can only lose weight by burning more calories that you take in. So if you eat a piece of fudge, you know you have just made a decision to walk 10 more min on the treadmill, or if you eat the pan of fudge you know you will be working out 7 days this week for an extra half hour each day! Lesson here is, even it out...calories vs exercise, if you going to eat it, just do it! Then work it off:)

The third rule is deprivation, the second we start depriving ourselves of something we really want we head down the road of disaster. I am not saying go eat everything you want, I am saying, when you find yourself in that situation stop, don't eat in impulsively. Walk away, give it a moment, really ask yourself these questions. Do I really want this? Is it worth an extra 20 min of exercise? And in the end if you really just want it and are willing to take up the slack in the gym, then just eat it!! Give yourself permission to be responsible for your actions, and be sure these actions are without guilt, do not allow yourself to attach feelings where they don't belong. You wanted fudge..and you ate it..Big whoop! You will work it off in the gym tomorrow, don't let it ruin your night, enjoy the company you are with and be happy cause life is what you make it.

The fourth and final thing, eat mindfully. When you eat that peanut butter ball rejoice in every single taste and nibble. Take your time with it, eat it like you would drink a fine wine, slowly enjoying every moment. If you enjoy every second of it, I guarantee you will not eat more than one, because the enjoyment lasts that much longer making it not necessary to have more than one. Once you have fulfilled that urge you are ready to move on to something more important like conversation with friends:)

I hope this helps you during this joyous season, love to you all!!!

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