
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Step 3 Assign 15 Surviving the Holidays!

Step 3 Assign  15 Surviving the Holidays!

It has been 11 weeks since the beginning of this journey, I am so glad that I have had a few weeks to get into my routine before the holidays rolled around. Note to self: never begin a plan in the middle of a holiday season!! Having a few weeks to settle into a routine and some success on the scale has given me the confidence to know that I have the strength to get through this without disaster.

My entire family loves food, we center our whole gatherings around it. There is one Thanksgiving I remember in particular, it was the first one I had after my 100 pound weightloss. The last time I lost my weight was very different than this time. Last time there was no room for error, I put restrictions and limitations on everything I did. If I ate one thing that was considered "indulgent" I would pay with the imminent guilt that would follow for days.  Yes, actual days of punishing myself for allowing myself to be weak, (I know now I wasn't "weak" I was only being "human"!) Sad isn't it? The saddest part about this is, many of you know exactly what I am talking about because you have lived it or you are still living it right now.

That particular Thanksgiving I did not indulge in anything I shouldn't have, so there was no guilt, but the reason I didn't indulge was not because of the fear of guilt that would follow, it was because of the promise I made to myself. I made myself a promise to put my focus on the conversations and the people that were around me. Really focus on listening and being present with my family, afterall we don't get a chance to see each other very often, so it is important to spend time REALLY listening and enjoying the conversation.

The next thing I promised myself I would not do, was stand and eat, I have a habit of snacking at the food table and not even realizing it. I would only eat from a plate while sitting.

In the end I had the best Turkey day ever! I felt as though I really connected with my family and at the same time I ate far less calories.

So this year I vow to do the same things, only I am releasing myself of any guilt that may follow my dinner choices. Not allowing the guilt is the hardest but most rewarding part of this journey for me.

1. Only sit and eat from a plate, do not hover around the snack table.

2. Eat everything you really want, just cut the portion size in half of what you normally would eat.

3. Focus on the conversation and less on the food.

4. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise, there is no better way to get ahead of those holiday pounds then to burn them off! By adding in extra workouts you can increase the chance of staying the same or losing more, even if you allow yourself a few peanut butter balls;)

5.Thanksgiving is only one day, there is no need to overeat the entire weekend! Contain your indulgence in one day if you must do it! Any damage you do on the scale in one day can be taken off immediately with 2-3 days back on your plan. But if you partake in 4 or 5 days of crazy off the wagon behavior then you will see the result when you step on that scale next Thursday.

6. Lastly, don't deprive yourself and most importantly don't allow the guilt to seep in!

I am so grateful for each and every one of you this year, thanks so much for taking this journey with me, Each and every one of you inspire me!!! Gotta go I have a date with the treadmill and a beautiful turkey later on!! xoxoxoxo to you All!!

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