
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Step 3 Assign 13 When your body Talks to you... listen!!

Step 3 Assign 13  When your body talks to you...listen!

Now that we are eating better and moving our bodies, it brings us closer to them so to speak. Bringing all these things into awareness allows us a closeness so we can be aware of all it's needs.

As you know recently I have been very busy, running at a faster pace than normal. My mind kept saying "Nikki slow down, slow down or your going to pay the price." I didn't listen and...well I woke up this morning paying the price, I have a terrible cold. I did not listen to it's warnings and came down sick. This can also happen with exercise or your diet.

If you are dieting and your body craves a certain food then you need to listen to it, even if it is sweets! In the case of sweets, your body is used to having them so cutting them out all together sets it into "SWEETS DT's"!! The best way to fix this is to feed it some I mean fruit...not chocolate!!

As for our physical body, when you first start exercising you may feel tight and sore, yes you are going to feel these feelings if you have been living a sedentary lifestyle, this you need to push through. What I am talking about is pain, if you feel actual pain then you need to listen to the warnings and either find a different exercise to perform or seek a professional opinion on what is causing it before you suffer permanent damage.

The most important thing here is listen to your body, it will give you signals that you need to change what you are doing, and if you listen and change your behavior then you can avoid a lot of unwanted circumstances.

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