
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Step 3 Assign 14 Safety Zone

Step 3 Assign 14  Safety Zone

Remember when you were a young child, the world seemed so scary and terrifying at times? Do you remember what you would do when you felt this way? I do, I would run and find the place that made me feel safe, my mom's arms. I knew that no matter what happened I could count on the safety of my mom's arms, she would some how make everything alright, as a matter of fact I still believe that :) Love you mom!!

This thought was brought to the front of my mind the other night as I felt the feelings of overwhelm sink in. Being so busy and not receiving adequate rest I had become sick, it was the sickest I had been in a very long time. Being so sick for so many days it started to effect my mood and emotions bringing me down to a place where I would normally have a nice binge eating frenzy and move on to the next batch of feelings..guilt...for binging!! So this time I noted my feelings and decided I would do something different, I would go to my "safe place." No, I didn't run to my mommy, lol! I went to my bedroom, I have set myself up with a "safe place" I call it my "no food zone." I don't eat in my bedroom, it is just that simple! I have created a place that when I go there I don't have to worry about what I eat, when I eat it or how much I am going to eat, because I just don't allow it to be in this area.

Everyone needs a place that is a "no food zone" so when you are feeling weak, you can simply go there and feel the safety net of sweet freedom from all the hard choices that we make when faced with temptation.  Create your "no food zone" it may be your car, your bathroom, your bath tub, your basement, or like me... your bed! Where ever it may be just remember when you enter that zone it is safe to release all your fears and breathe easy because food will not follow you into that space. 

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