
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Step 3 Assign 12 Chris Powell is a genius

Step 3 Assign 12  Chris Powell is a genius!!

 Have you ever seen the show with Chris Powell, Extreme Makeover, Weightloss Edition? Chris is the fabulous trainer that specializes in extreme cases of obesity, oh yes and he is easy on the! I have always admired the way he saw people for who they were on the inside, he cuts through all the outside layers and draws out the inner strength of people, a strength that people did not even know they had. Not only is he one of the most compassionate, motivating, sexy..oops did I say that...person I have ever seen, he has stumbled onto a secret that every person should use when losing weight.

Now I am going to assure you this is so simple that you will not believe that it will work, but I am living proof it did, I practiced it for one week, which was one of the hardest weeks I have had and I still pulled a 3 pound loss!

Keep in mind I am still on Weight Watchers...and loving every moment of it I am sticking to my points but I have switched it up a bit. Chris says that you should alternate high carb and low carb days. Now, I must clarify here VERY IMPORTANT, when I say high carb, I mean, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, maybe a baked potato, not a cheesecake or a snickers bar! And when I say low carb, I am referring to a protein shake, or lean meats and beans and lots of veggies filled with protein, I am not talking about firing up the grill and eating loads of steak and bacon for supper!

What happens to your body you ask? Very simple, on your higher carb day , you are feeding your body and this kicks your metabolism into high gear. Then the next day is followed by a low carb day which switches your body into fat burning mode! Yes it is actually that simple, high carb, low carb, the science makes perfect sense. I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner because it is essential to have fast metabolism to burn calories and doing this cycle will do that. All week I practiced that method even knowing that my choices were "ok" I honestly was not expecting to lose, I was at best hoping to stay the same. If you look back my last two weigh ins had decreased to 1.4 pounds, this is a sign that your body has gone into starvation mode due to dieting. Changing my behavior to Chris's cycle gave my metabolism the boost it needed to burn fat once again.

Thank you Chris Powell!! Muah!!

High carb day low carb day. I am not talking adkins here, I am talking sensible foods here and if you are on Weight Watchers continue to count your points and I know your will be successful!!

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