
Thursday, April 12, 2012

One of "Those People"

One of "Those People"

Have you ever heard of a breed of people that could have a chocolate bar in their possession and NOT eat it!! You know the kind that carry one around in their purse and literally take a piece out and eat only one and put the rest back!!! I know you know who I am talking about... they are out there I call them , "those people" .

In my lifetime I never thought I would know what it was like to see things through the eyes of  "those people" because I certainly never would understand what it would take to just say NO to the chocolate!
I always believed that I was controlled by the food, I was practically rendered defenseless when it came to my addiction with food. I always blamed food and knew that I would be a slave for as long as I lived.

Over the last 7 months I have learned that I am NOT a slave to a matter of fact it had nothing to do with food! I was using food to avoid my problems, cope with life and drown the voices of self doubt. Which brings me to today's Ah Ha moment.

Today I found myself living the life of one of "those people". About two weeks ago I bought a Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate bar and put it in the console of my car with the intention being to indulge in one serving size when I had a craving. Keeping it in my car is much better than in my pantry...out of sight and out of mind right?

Now 7 months ago  I would have eaten the whole dang thing before I hit the Heath Road...but that day I didn't even open it I just placed it safely in the console. 7 Months ago I would make a special trip to the car at 11pm if I remembered I had dropped a damn M&M in the seat....but not now I totally forgot about that candy bar until today when I opened the console and saw it sitting there. I instantly began to smile...I thought "Oh My God! I have become one of Those People!" The ones who live their life by experiences instead of hiding behind a big chocolate bar!

At that point I "those people" would not eat the whole bar they take one piece and put the rest I will try it and see what happens. I broke off one bar and slowly allowed the bar to melt in my mouth, tasting all the wonderful chocolate flavor, savoring each and every moment, and shockingly when it was gone I was 100% satisfied! With only one square!!!At that moment I knew I had become one of "those people" and I was truly grateful for everything I had to go through to get to this point in my journey. Without the wild ride on this roller coaster I have put myself on throughout the years I know for a fact that I never would have enjoyed that one square of chocolate as much as I did today. Today is a day of celebration and gratitude!!


  1. glad i have got to know one of "those people" ♥

  2. I love that you are "one of those people"! xoxo H
