
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obstacles (surgery)


We deal with many obstacles on this journey to a healthy, whole person. Obstacles of our mind, time, excuses, family support, commitment and ones of the physical body.  I have been dealing with some obstacles of my own for a while now, ones that just don't seem to get better. I have fought and fought to keep my gallbladder, hoping that it would get better but it hasn't. Now it has effected my daily routine and most importantly, now MY WORKOUTS!!

Many people live with occasional gallbladder problems and never require surgery, I was hoping that I was going to be one of those people, but unfortunately I am not. When I learned that I had to have surgery I was upset because of the recovery time, this would heavily impact my workouts! But thinking this problem has progressed I have noticed a decline in my ability to achieve a great workout session anyway.

The more I thought of the surgery I realized that I had to stop being negative and take this for what it really was, a little obstacle that I needed to embrace and swiftly moved past it on my way to the finish line. As I accepted and embraced the surgery I realized just how much of a blessing it would be to have it. I would begin to live a life not slaved by heartburn, indigestion and extreme pain every day, and most importantly I would be able to push my body as I once did during my workouts.

Remember when you come across an obstacle, you must stop, understand it, embrace it and figure out a way around and when it's in your rear view mirror the only thing you can do it just smile!!

Surgery tomorrow!!Wish me luck!! Love to you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with the Surgery! A lot of times when people have surgery they lose weight so that's a good part right? And once you recover you can work out like a mad women like you know you can & will......
